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  1. Steiffbear

    General Advice Please

    Thanks for all the advice - in particular about the bacteria dying off if i don't put fish in straight away. I will take on board all the advice and will hopefully be the proud owner of something beautiful very soon. :)
  2. Steiffbear

    General Advice Please

    Dear All I'd love to have a Betta Splenden in addition to my 200l community tank (i.e. in its own tank) and have been researching some facts before committing to anything. Can anyone on the forum give a Betta novice some basic information? I'd like to know; what size tank would i need? will...
  3. Steiffbear

    Help - My Fish Are Dying One By One :(

    Thank you - I added additional medication in the new water. Good News - The Molly I was worried about looks OK again now. 2 platies are are spening more time than usual at the water surface but it could be that I don't usually spend so many hours just watching their behaviour and its 'normal'...
  4. Steiffbear

    Help - My Fish Are Dying One By One :(

    Hi Kat - thanks for replying. in answer to your thoughts..... Feel free to do up to 50% water changes with warm, dechlorinated water.. it won't hurt, but may help. Did this today. What is the water temperature? Full stocking? Water Temperature is 25 degrees. Stock depleting :( currently 7 blue...
  5. Steiffbear

    The Hobby is OK its the technology I'm struggling with!!!

    The Hobby is OK its the technology I'm struggling with!!!
  6. Steiffbear

    Help - My Fish Are Dying One By One :(

    Thank you - trouble is, I don't know how to message on here - which box to type in etc. this is all new to me
  7. Steiffbear

    I'm after some help with my fish

    I'm after some help with my fish
  8. Steiffbear

    Hi - n ot sure If I'm typing in the right box!

    Hi - n ot sure If I'm typing in the right box!
  9. Steiffbear

    Help - My Fish Are Dying One By One :(

    Thank you for your reply I'm afraid I don't have another tank set up as quarentine - I do have a small tank, filter and heater but its not been in use therefore I don't think it'd be suitable as not cycled. Please can you tell me how to contact Kat?
  10. Steiffbear

    Help - My Fish Are Dying One By One :(

    Hello There I'm hoping someone can help me with my problem. I have a 200L community tank which has been settled and fine for ages. About a month ago a added some blue neon tetras and since then my fish I've had for ages have been falling in and dying. So far I have lost 1 x Molly (she was a big...
  11. Steiffbear

    Wanting A New Betta

    Hi I'd like to replace my recently lost Betta and would like some advice to prepare its habitat so that I can have a successful time settling in the new purchase when it's and I'm ready. I have a 125L community tank which has been up and running for 12 months, and is going very well - though...
  12. Steiffbear

    "show Me Those M.g.'s

    I have to agree.............these are beautiful :D
  13. Steiffbear


    He was totally passive - a real treat. Unfortunately I've just lost him :( Injuries and stress too much I think.
  14. Steiffbear

    Male Betta Attacked By Female

    The stress and injuries must have been too much for my boy - he died this afternoon :( R.I.P.
  15. Steiffbear


    Personally I wouldn't keep either in your main tank! I'm currently 'nursing' a very badly damaged Male Betta in a 'hopsital' tank. The female attacked him a few days ago. She's been taken back to my LFS. They have been together in my community tank for about 8 months with no problems. I've...
  16. Steiffbear

    Male Betta Attacked By Female

    I thought I'd add a photo so you can see the damage to my boy. I'm really hoping to have the success you've had in nursing him back to health.
  17. Bernie.jpg


  18. Steiffbear

    Male Betta Severely Injured

    WOW! I hope I have as much success with mine. He looks beautiful - a real credit to your care and attention. Well Done
  19. Steiffbear

    Male Betta Attacked By Female

    Thanks for your reply. My Betta is swimming (slowly but surely!) and has eaten a couple of frozen bloodworms :) He looks happy enough (though extremely 'scruffy') so I'm keeping everything crossed now that he will be OK
  20. Steiffbear

    Male Betta Attacked By Female

    Dear All I have had 1 male and 1 female Betta in my community tank for 8 months with no issues whatsoever. Yesterday, totally out of the blue the female severely attacked the male. She flared her facial fins and chased him nipping his fins until they are torn to shreds :( Thankfully, he is...
  21. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    Thanks for the advice. The nitrite is reading at less than 0.1mg /L it was the Nitrate which was higher at 5mg /L Maybe I should avoid getting a new tank yet until I'm more knowledgable on the whole subject of fish keeping. I don't want to put any fish at risk of illness/dying etc.
  22. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    The tank was filled with de-chlorinated water, plus some bought liquid kit (though i cannot remember what it was called) which was supposed to assist in the set up of a new tank, this was left to settle for a week with filter etc all on then. the water went cloudy and then over a few days...
  23. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    The tank was originally cycled fishless over about 3 weeks. I had the water checked by the fish store and they said it was safe to add fish. The first fish I added were the 4 Black neon tetra back in March 2010 which are still very healthy.
  24. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    Guppy died this morning :( Still rooting for the Platy - hope it survives.
  25. Steiffbear

    Platy Death And Guppy Sick

    Hello There This is my first post on a forum (though I read many!) I did put it on another part of this site and was advised to add it here for specific advice. I have a community tank (125 litres) tropical, it's been set up for 11 months. I've recently lost 1 male and 1 female guppy and 1...
  26. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    Thanks once again - you've been a great help.
  27. Steiffbear

    has lots to learn about her hobby!

    has lots to learn about her hobby!
  28. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    This is fantastic news thank you. You've been very helpful today - I've learnt lots (so much to learn isn't there?) My 125l has really good water readings (0 ammonia and nitrite) I have a test kit for PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate which i use regularly so I feel confident to continue that. I'm...
  29. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    It did make sense - thanks! So, I don't need to cycle the new tank? Excellent. I was under the impression (from the staff in the store where I ordered it) that it was going to take me about 4 months to prepare the water then move my fish over just a few at a time. I'm planning to sell the...
  30. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    I'll take your advice and purchase 3 more when my new tank is ready for fish. The Pleco doesn't look like the ones in the photos you sent. It's round, flat and has a one inch stripy tail. I took a photo but can't work out how to attach it. Thank you - Everyone seems very friendly and helpful :)
  31. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    Thank you, I'll try the medication and see how they get on. My Siamese fighters are both pretty docile - the male in particular is happy just to slouch around on the gravel, plants, ornaments - whatever takes his fancy. He's great to watch at feeding time acting like a puppy dog taking food off...
  32. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    Its called - eSHA 2000 Fungus, Finrot and Bacteria Treatment (Wide Range Action) It contains per ml - Ethacridine lactate 6.3 mg, Copper Sulphate 8.0 mg, Proflavine Hemisulphate 1 mg (All of which means nothing to me!)
  33. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    Thanks for the reply. I'm in the UK. The ill fish haven't shown any of the other signs you mention. The Platy which died this morning spent most of yesterday hiding low down in the tank but still swam up to eat with the others. I'm hoping the medication the store recommended will save the two...
  34. Steiffbear

    Newbie To Forum

    Hello There This is my first post on a forum (though I read many!) I have a community tank (125 litres) tropical, it's been set up for 11 months. I've recently lost 1 male and 1 female guppy and 1 platy from the same symptons. I have another platy and a guppy also showing signs of illness...