

Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2010
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i have a 30g tank with 2 swordtails a blue ram 3 guppys 23 guppy fry(will be rehomed once bigger) 2 powder blue gouramis and a kuli loach....would i be able to keep a male and female betta with these fish? or just a male or just a female or neitheR?
i have a 30g tank with 2 swordtails a blue ram 3 guppys 23 guppy fry(will be rehomed once bigger) 2 powder blue gouramis and a kuli loach....would i be able to keep a male and female betta with these fish? or just a male or just a female or neitheR?
Female get male his own tank
Personally I wouldn't keep either in your main tank!

I'm currently 'nursing' a very badly damaged Male Betta in a 'hopsital' tank. The female attacked him a few days ago. She's been taken back to my LFS. They have been together in my community tank for about 8 months with no problems.

I've also had problems with the female attacking other fish i.e. platys and mollies.

Get yourself a second tank and have just one male betta in it - they are fantastic fish with wonderful characters.
He was totally passive - a real treat. Unfortunately I've just lost him :(

Injuries and stress too much I think.

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