General Advice Please


New Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Dear All

I'd love to have a Betta Splenden in addition to my 200l community tank (i.e. in its own tank) and have been researching some facts before committing to anything. Can anyone on the forum give a Betta novice some basic information?

I'd like to know;

what size tank would i need? will it need a heater/filter/anything specific. Can my established community tank help by reducing the set up time etc.

Thank you in advance

I wouldnt keep them in anything under 30l personally. an ideal temperature would be between 24 and 27 degrees so a heater will be needed. Bettas dont like strong currents so bare that in mind when buying your filter. you can use a bit of established sponge from your already setup tank and use it in your new tank filter, considering you have used dechlorinater etc you only have to wait a few days before you can add fish :good:

I wouldnt keep them in anything under 30l personally. an ideal temperature would be between 24 and 27 degrees so a heater will be needed. Bettas dont like strong currents so bare that in mind when buying your filter. you can use a bit of established sponge from your already setup tank and use it in your new tank filter, considering you have used dechlorinater etc you only have to wait a few days before you can add fish :good:

agreed also in my exp not over 1 foot high as they breath air and it takes alot of effort to travel 2 foot to breath i lost a betta in my 2.5 ft high tank cause he couldnt get to the top very easly and suffercated :(
Dear All

I'd love to have a Betta Splenden in addition to my 200l community tank (i.e. in its own tank) and have been researching some facts before committing to anything. Can anyone on the forum give a Betta novice some basic information?

I'd like to know;

what size tank would i need? will it need a heater/filter/anything specific. Can my established community tank help by reducing the set up time etc.

Thank you in advance

My personal opinion is something around the 30l mark for a single betta, or 35-50l for a betta plus a smallish shoal of something small like chilli rasbora or celestial pearl danios. Yes to heating and filtration. They are (relatively) intelligent fish, so they need some interest in their tanks like plants or ornaments. And I agree with the above comment about low currents within the aquarium.

you can use a bit of established sponge from your already setup tank and use it in your new tank filter, considering you have used dechlorinater etc you only have to wait a few days before you can add fish :good:

When you get the new tank, you can take up to a third of the media from your existing filter, and put it in the filter of the new tank. Replace what you take out with the new media that comes with the new filter.

Given the size difference between the 200l and the small new tank, the new tank will then be instantly cycled, and you can put the fish in straight away. If you wait a few days, then the bacteria on the mature media will start to die off.
Thanks for all the advice - in particular about the bacteria dying off if i don't put fish in straight away. I will take on board all the advice and will hopefully be the proud owner of something beautiful very soon. :)

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