Help - My Fish Are Dying One By One :(


New Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Hello There

I'm hoping someone can help me with my problem. I have a 200L community tank which has been settled and fine for ages. About a month ago a added some blue neon tetras and since then my fish I've had for ages have been falling in and dying. So far I have lost 1 x Molly (she was a big healthy fish I'd had for about 6 months) 2 x Guppies (both of which I'd had for four months) and 1 x Chinese hill stream loach.

The symptoms seem to be finrot. The molly had one side fin and her mouth affected - the fin seemed to shrivel away and there was white cotton wool like look to the edge of it and on the day she died around her mouth too. I've been treating the tank with Intepret Fungus and Finrot treatment and she looked as if to be getting better yesterday as she had started swimming around, then she just seemed to keel over and die.

The guppies both started swimming/remaining in one place at the surface and their fins had 'closed up' then the tails became opaque before they died.

This morning a third Guppy is showing the very same symptoms and i'm afraid I'm going to lose him too.

I've been doing daily 10% water changes adding conditioner to try and help them. Can anyone give me any help with this problem please.

For information my water quality is showing as fine - Zero Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate PH is 7.5

Thank you

Confused and Sad :(
ok, you need help. badly

try asking kitty kat through messanger as i havent encountered this before. I wish you and your fish the very best of luck and for gods sake, quarantine the sick fish (and the tetras too if you have another tank).

ok, you need help. badly

try asking kitty kat through messanger as i havent encountered this before. I wish you and your fish the very best of luck and for gods sake, quarantine the sick fish (and the tetras too if you have another tank).

once you are in the hands of the kat, nothing can go wrong

would you be able to post some pictures of this disease and the other fish in the tak so as i might be able to help yu further?
Thank you for your reply

I'm afraid I don't have another tank set up as quarentine - I do have a small tank, filter and heater but its not been in use therefore I don't think it'd be suitable as not cycled.

Please can you tell me how to contact Kat?
Thank you for your reply

I'm afraid I don't have another tank set up as quarentine - I do have a small tank, filter and heater but its not been in use therefore I don't think it'd be suitable as not cycled.

Please can you tell me how to contact Kat?

here is cats link

Advice: Set up the smaller tank and once it's ok, transferr the sick fish into it otherwise they will make the other fish sick as well.

i will ask kat if she can give you a hand for you :)

ok, i just asked kat to help you for you, best of luck!
Thank you - trouble is, I don't know how to message on here - which box to type in etc. this is all new to me
Guys: I help when I've got time, but I work as well, you have to realise. If I could live off helping people with their tanks, I would, but that's not how things are :)

Steiffbear: are you sure your nitrate is 0 ppm? That would be very unusual.

Feel free to do up to 50% water changes with warm, dechlorinated water.. it won't hurt, but may help.

What is the water temperature? Full stocking?

Is the disease columnaris? Search for images.

I do not have much experience with Interpet's medications, I use eSHa 2000 for fungal and bacterial infections.

To be honest, it is not usual for shop bought guppies and mollies to just keel over and die randomly, but the fungal disease needs treatment.

The whole tank is infected, so it's best to treat all of it.
how are they now? mainly the other guppy

Guys: I help when I've got time, but I work as well, you have to realise. If I could live off helping people with their tanks, I would, but that's not how things are :)

Steiffbear: are you sure your nitrate is 0 ppm? That would be very unusual.

Feel free to do up to 50% water changes with warm, dechlorinated water.. it won't hurt, but may help.

What is the water temperature? Full stocking?

Is the disease columnaris? Search for images.

I do not have much experience with Interpet's medications, I use eSHa 2000 for fungal and bacterial infections.

To be honest, it is not usual for shop bought guppies and mollies to just keel over and die randomly, but the fungal disease needs treatment.

The whole tank is infected, so it's best to treat all of it.

aah, ok. i'll bear this in mind and add to my knowledge. Have a good life :)
i dont have to work yet but it wont be soon :(. 18 seems far away but 5 years goes like hell for me
Hi Kat - thanks for replying. in answer to your thoughts.....

Feel free to do up to 50% water changes with warm, dechlorinated water.. it won't hurt, but may help. Did this today.

What is the water temperature? Full stocking? Water Temperature is 25 degrees. Stock depleting :( currently 7 blue neon tetra, 4 black tetra, 2 chinese hill stream loach, 5 yoyo loach, 3 platies, 3 corydoras, 4 guppy and 2 mollys. The guppy which was ill today died tonight and now the male molly is looking poorly.

Almost forgot - I also have one baby Molly in a nursery tank too.

Is the disease columnaris? Search for images. I don't think its this - similar symptoms but no ulcerations

I do not have much experience with Interpet's medications, I use eSHa 2000 for fungal and bacterial infections. - i have tried this it had no effect

To be honest, it is not usual for shop bought guppies and mollies to just keel over and die randomly, but the fungal disease needs treatment.

The whole tank is infected, so it's best to treat all of it.

I have today purchased some Marcyn Plus and treated the tank. Fingers are crossed for it to help
Hi Kat - thanks for replying. in answer to your thoughts.....

Feel free to do up to 50% water changes with warm, dechlorinated water.. it won't hurt, but may help. Did this today.

What is the water temperature? Full stocking? Water Temperature is 25 degrees. Stock depleting :( currently 7 blue neon tetra, 4 black tetra, 2 chinese hill stream loach, 5 yoyo loach, 3 platies, 3 corydoras, 4 guppy and 2 mollys. The guppy which was ill today died tonight and now the male molly is looking poorly.

Almost forgot - I also have one baby Molly in a nursery tank too.

Is the disease columnaris? Search for images. I don't think its this - similar symptoms but no ulcerations

I do not have much experience with Interpet's medications, I use eSHa 2000 for fungal and bacterial infections. - i have tried this it had no effect

To be honest, it is not usual for shop bought guppies and mollies to just keel over and die randomly, but the fungal disease needs treatment.

The whole tank is infected, so it's best to treat all of it.

I have today purchased some Marcyn Plus and treated the tank. Fingers are crossed for it to help

sorry about the molly :'(, i hope the other one doesnt turn out the same way, that would be really sad. Could you take some photos and upload them so i can see what it looks like?
Columnaris doesn't always come with ulcerations.. if you water change during treatment, remember that you are removing medication from the tank with the old water.
Columnaris doesn't always come with ulcerations.. if you water change during treatment, remember that you are removing medication from the tank with the old water.

Thank you - I added additional medication in the new water.

Good News - The Molly I was worried about looks OK again now. 2 platies are are spening more time than usual at the water surface but it could be that I don't usually spend so many hours just watching their behaviour and its 'normal' for them

All in all the fish do look OK. No more fatalities :) I'll carry on with the treatment for a week and keep everything crossed.
Don't treat for too long or whatever it was can start becoming immune to the medication: once they start behaving ok, the best treatment is water changes.

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