Search results

  1. Haveagojoe

    Tattoo's Whos Got What

    Tattoos are really something I dont get, people love them I know but to me they are something you are going to regret in years to come,they reckon 40% of tattooist work is now trying to cover up past work, its a fashion fad which will change and a lot of people will regret what they have done
  2. Haveagojoe

    I Want A Pond! :)

    Well I rescured two goldys from my daughters awful 10 ltr tank which was stagnant for most of the time and put them in my pond 3 years ago, they have never looked better, theyve grown and they over winter so well so dont worry about the change from tank to pond, pond is the way to go.
  3. Haveagojoe

    I Want A Pond! :)

    You WILL need a UV filter or you WILL get green water its a fact of life, for the size of pond you are looking at have a look at the Hozelock range of all in one filters in the Easyclear range, they do exactly what they claim to do.
  4. Haveagojoe

    Bird Charmer

    I wa being slightly sarcastic with my last comment,yes sparrows are on the decline in certain parts of the UK but where I am they are quite common, not as many as when I was a child, you don,t see the large numbers as you did years ago but they are still around,what I have noticed is the...
  5. Haveagojoe

    Re-scaping Fluval Edge

    Thats the one, endlers would fit through the intake no problem at all, since I installed that pre filter my lamp eyes and shrimp have both bred and Ive lost none through the filter, just another word though, because the pre filter is so fine it does need rinsing quite often as it does get...
  6. Haveagojoe

    Bird Charmer

    I,m lucky if I see a bloody sparrow
  7. Haveagojoe

    Re-scaping Fluval Edge

    Just a tip here m8, I dont know what your planned stocking is but I suggest you get the foam cap for the filter intake that fluval make for the Edge, I lost a few lamp eyes in mine that got drawn into the filter and you can guess the rest, if your planning shrimp any young uns wouldnt stand a...
  8. Haveagojoe

    Shrimps Online

    Shrimps are very hard to come by where I live so I am wondering which would be the best place to buy them online, so any suggestionds please.
  9. Haveagojoe

    Brand New Unopened Juwel Rekord 800 110l Fish Tank Aquarium

    Does it come with the stand or not.
  10. Haveagojoe


    With out a doubt I would ban it its only, he,is, a myth anyway, lets get shut of the money, debt making con, if people want to celebrate the so called son of their god let them do it in their church, i,ve no objection to that but please don,t let this retailers dream continue.
  11. Haveagojoe


    So you are saying christmas is not a money spinner, sorry but you must live in another world, its a complete and utter rip off where people are put under so much pressure to spend money that they don,t have,kids demanding the most expensive must haves so as they don,t look out of place in their...
  12. Haveagojoe


    Can,t see the point in it just another money spinner :/
  13. Haveagojoe

    Looking For Peoples Views And Opinions

    One word, lovely. :good: :good:
  14. Haveagojoe

    Fun With Ads

    Am I the odd one out here?, Iv,e not seen an ad at all!
  15. Haveagojoe

    Picture Of My Tank

    Am I missing something here but isnt creeping jenny a non aquatic plant. :S
  16. Haveagojoe

    Hello Ads!

    None here using firefox, mind you could do with a thai bride mrs joe is getting a bit worn out now :hey: :hey: ( only joking wouldnt swap her for the world, mind you a 5ft tank wouldnt go amiss ) :hyper: BTW the time is an hour out here, an hour behind.
  17. Haveagojoe

    Video: How To Setup A Fire Extinguisher System

    An easier and safer way to test for leaks is to mix some washing up liquid with water in an old detergent bottle, shake it up so the bottle is full of froth and squirt the froth onto the regulator, if there is any leaks it can clearly be seen bubbling through the froth, its the way gas fitters...
  18. Haveagojoe

    Advice On Sand Please

    So what would you use instead?
  19. Haveagojoe

    Advice On Sand Please

    Just normal white sand I think.
  20. Haveagojoe

    Shy Assassins....

    I got two today as well and they have vanished into the underworld as well :hyper:
  21. Haveagojoe

    Advice On Sand Please

    I have at the minute gravel as the substrate in the tank but I want to change to sand, its a bow fronted 70 ltr tank so what do you think is the best to go for, I have a lot of corys which I think will like the sand but I,m not sure which type to go for, a lot say the argos play sand is the best...
  22. Haveagojoe

    Normans Lampeye Killie

    I started off with a dozen in a Fluval Edge and a few Cherry Shrimp now I have at least twenty hard to count though, they are lovely little fish I think they deserve a species only tank.
  23. Haveagojoe

    Raised Pond

    Iv,e got a small pond which is at ground level and the idea now is that we want to have a pond that is raised so as maybe we can sit on the edge of it grow rockery plants around the sides of it you get the idea. So I'm looking for ideas for what materials to use to lift it out of the ground...
  24. Haveagojoe

    Free Range

    I watched that programme about the Veal situation here in the UK, I must admit that I eat Veal but not in this country but in Spain, why, because you can,t get it here if I could I would eat it a lot more than 3 or 4 times a year. What I did find interesting about that was the selective breeding...
  25. Haveagojoe

    Java Fern Plantlets

    Thxs m8 see you,ve changed your name and high flying birds is just Oasis under another banner, good though. :good:
  26. Haveagojoe

    Java Fern Plantlets

    Ive got some I presume Java Fern plantlets growing of the ends of the adult plants leaves (there loads of spore like things under the leaves)they,ve got loads of what looks like brown ferny looking stuff which once again I presume is the developing root structure, so what do I do with them ?, do...
  27. Haveagojoe

    Fluval Edge Lighting

    Mine came with the LED's fitted with the moon light option as well no problems up to now as well but my daughter has the old type with the halogens and the light is dire on that one, you can buy the LED fitting seperatly and I would look into that option to me they are far better.
  28. Haveagojoe

    Blanket Weed

    I try to plant the pond up but they get smothyered bt the horrible dead algae that the uv produces, Ive just installed another filter this week to see if that will help to filter out the dead stuff, its the Hozelock ecocel 2500 but after a week I think I might need to put another foam sheet in...
  29. Haveagojoe

    Effect Of Temporarily Stopping Easycarbo

    No m8 you get the syringes there they use as I said for kids meds I didnt mean the spoons
  30. Haveagojoe

    Effect Of Temporarily Stopping Easycarbo

    Go to asda or tesco,s chemist counter they have them there for dispensing kids medicine I get mine from there most times they dont charge you for them.
  31. Haveagojoe

    Best And Worst Concerts/gigs

    Funny I was going to say the worst ever band I saw back in the long mist of time was Sabbath at the old Liverpool stadium(bet simon dont remember that place)I had to walk out they were dire, best of all time for me, well its a toss up between ELP or Jethro Tull as you can see I,m showing my age...
  32. Haveagojoe

    Water Changes For Ponds?

    Does anyone do this? is it advisable to do a water change in the pond and if so how often, I clean the filter sponges every week I have to because of the dead algae the UV throws out and was wondering to do a water change at the same time.
  33. Haveagojoe

    Bee Shrimp

    No no no the Edge is way to small for cardinals, I presume its the 23 ltr one, Ive got that and all thats in it is cherrys a couple of pink ramshorns and 6 lampeyes, you are very limited with that tank so watch your stocking, I,m not sure of the catfish don't know which one you mean but again...
  34. Haveagojoe

    Film Qnq

    Done for you m8
  35. Haveagojoe

    Bee Shrimp

    I would wait and see if they appear, if they are your first attempt at shrimp keeping I would have gone for the fool proof species the cherrys, they are cheaper as well.
  36. Haveagojoe

    Welcome To The Moderating Team Mattlee

    Well done :good:
  37. Haveagojoe

    Bee Shrimp

    No they don't bury in the substrate, is the tank well planted because in one of my planted tanks sometimes i don't see my crystals for days on end, if you havn't seen any pink corpses its odds on they are just being shrimps and found somewhere where there's something they can graze on which they...
  38. Haveagojoe

    Fluval Edge First Attempt At Saltwater

    Interesting I'm keeping my eye on this as I have an Edge myself and would like to try something different with it and a venture in to the salty side sounds appealing.
  39. Haveagojoe

    Bee Shrimp

    Try a small piece of cucumber weighted down so it stays submerged mine go crazy when you put something like that in, I'm not sure how often they shed but you would see the empty "skin"on the floor of the tank, one thing you can rule out is the snail would not have ate them, but what else have...