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  1. D

    Advice appreciated

    I feed the black skirted tetras flakes and then they also munch on the algae tablet I drop in there once in a while. I have been watching the temp and while the small tank is not heated, I haven't seen it go below 71'F.
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    Rafael catfish

    Thanks for your response. That is what I was wondering. My tank is very calm and I don't want to add anything that could endanger any of the other fish. I'll just hang on and wait till I find just the right fish to add. I don't mind that the fish would be nocturnal , but I definitely don't want...
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    Rafael catfish

    My LFS has a rafael catfish that is probably about an inch to an inch and a half long. I've read that they don't get real big - about 6". Would this be a good addition to my 55 gallon tank? How fast do they grow? I figure the answer is probably no, but I wanted to ask some of you who have had...
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    Advice appreciated

    You can see the two tanks and the fish I have in each tank in my sig. My three black skirted tetras in the smaller tank are there because the danios were biting at their fins horribly. The three little black skirted tetras have been doing great in that small tank since I moved them and look...
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    Fish and Fire Bellied Toad???

    I have had three black skirted tetras and one white cloud with my fire bellied toad for a good six months. They've all been doing great. I also have a good six snails in there as well. I have a good filter and of course land for Pyro (the toad) and things seem to be going well.
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    Out of town for 8+ days

    Thank you both for your responses. I'm glad that they should be okay. And they love the little algae tabs that I'll give the pleco once in a while - and that will last a day. So I'll probably drop one of those in on my way out the door. Thanks again for the responses! :)
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    Out of town for 8+ days

    We're going to be going out of town for a good eight days at the end of December. I do not have anyone that can come and feed my fish. Is it okay to use those multiple-day feeders that you just drop in the tank? Is one better than the other? Are there any other ideas or suggestions that anyone...
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    Sorry, by the last time I meant on the 18th. I do have a floating plant in one of my other tanks that I'll move over when I get home. I've been meaning to take pictures of it and the other plants I have and try to get them identified. Thanks for your help and I'll keep testing and waiting on the...
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    I tested my home water and the nitrate level was 20. So that was my answer - thank you! It also tells me why I have nitrates in my other tanks (although not the same levels). :) Luxum - I think I'm getting enough ammonia in there. To be honest, I don't have anything to measure out exact drops...
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    I hadn't thought of checking just the tap water. I will run tests on it when I get home from work and see what that shows. Thanks! :)
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    Fishless Cycling Question

    I have a 10 gallon tank that I've been cycling for almost two weeks. I've only tested the water twice: August 15th and August 18th. I've been adding 3-5 drops of ammonia once a day and am waiting for the Nitrite spike. My Nitrites were zero both times I tested, but my Nitrates both times I've...
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    New Danios!

    Shoe - I'm sorry about your danios. I'm being extra careful with the lid. I lost a bala shark to the same thing. :( Danio - Thanks. I'll just leave them in. They seem to be fitting in more and none of the fin damage is that bad. They sure are fun to watch! :D
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    An appeal on behalf of danios

    I agree that danios have great personalities! I have several different kinds of fish in my tank, and it's the zebra and blue danios who swim up to the side when I walk towards the tank. I just love watching them. :)
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    V16 Zebra Danios

    The danios chasing each other are normal behavior. I have six LF zebra danios in a 55 gallon with other fish. They swim fast and chase each other all the time. They take full advantage of the size of the tank and now I can't imagine them in a smaller one! And even though I have other fish in...
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    New Danios!

    Okay, so I came home from work today and couldn't find the third blue danio. I watched the tank and looked and couldn't find it. Finally just a few minutes ago I saw that my sailfin pleco had it and had eaten half already. :( My sailfin is just two inches long. Do you think that the poor danio...
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    New Danios!

    Smith - Yeah, when I first saw the sign about blue danios, I wondered if they were dyed, too. But the camera actually exaggerated the blue a little. It's more like a blue tinted gray, if that makes sense. Very pretty, but very pale. Danio - I wish I could breed them, just don't have the setup...
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    Planning for a brackish tank

    Thank you. I found that just after I had posted. LOL! After a lot of thought about what I wanted for this new tank, I think I have decided on some freshwater dwarf puffers. But I appreciate your help and hope to still get a brackish tank in the future. :)
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    New Danios!

    Thanks! :) Probably won't breed them - unless it just happens. Oh, and I've looked at your danio website several times. It's been very helpful and you have a lot of great information there. Thank you. :)
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    Should fish be in the dark 24/7?

    I've noticed that when my fish are in the dark, they don't swim around nearly as much. But as soon as I turn their light on, the danios especially start swimming around like crazy and look much happier. The last few months I've only had the lights on about 4 hours a day because of the heat - I...
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    I got a new Pleco!

    I know what you mean - it really is incredible! I would feel bad selling an animal that I knew nothing about! At the very least you should know what it's called, how big it gets and what it eats. :rolleyes: WWW - Nope, mine doesn't have blue eyes. I'm sure it's a gibby. I paid $7 at the IFs...
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    I got a new Pleco!

    I just wanted to add that I went back to the pet store to see what they called the pleco and they said it was a red fin pleco and again said it wouldn't get bigger than about 5 inches. :rolleyes:
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    Planning for a brackish tank

    Thanks! :) My husband was so nice and bought me a ten gallon aquarium last night so I could get it cycling. I started reading up on brackish tanks and I have to admit it made it sound like they're really hard to keep. Is that true? Do they tend to get a lot of algae? Also, I've read you're not...
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    New Danios!

    I went to the nearest independent fish store to look around. Being a huge fan of danios, I went straight to the tank where I knew they always were. And they had three long finned blue danios there! Of course I couldn't not bring them home. As soon as I put them in the tank they joined up with my...
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    5 gallon aquarium

    Thanks for your responses. As far as the frog eating the fish, I know it won't. It's a good three years old and has been kept with tiny fish before and he won't touch them. In fact, I sometimes wonder if he has vision issues because he'll only eat if I hold his food right in front of him...
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    Planning for a brackish tank

    I'm hoping to get a 10 gallon aquarium and set it up as a brackish tank in the next few months. I absolutely love bumblebee gobys, which is mostly why I want to set up the brackish tank. :D But I was wondering what other fish might be able to go in with them. I'm trying to do some research...
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    5 gallon aquarium

    I have a five gallon aquarium. I have a large aquarium rock that sits mostly above the water because I house a firebellied toad in there. Since the toad rarely swims and there is quite a bit of space, I added two white clouds. Now here comes the issue. One of the white clouds I found dead when...
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    Adding Kuhli Loaches

    CathyG - I'm glad you're seeing your kuhlis regularly now that you've had them a while. :) I think they are just beautiful fish! I had one for my aquarium a few years ago and even though I rarely saw him, I really enjoyed him. I later found out after he had disappeared for a good six months that...
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    bad news

    PK - I'm so glad that Oskar is doing better and is making a full recovery! :)
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    Latest Plec addition

    What a beautiful plec!
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    I got a new Pleco!

    Wow, they get that big? The people at the fish store said not more than 5 inches. :rolleyes: Of course they said he was something else all together - I'll call and find out what that name was tomorrow. Then I can check and see if that is what he could possibly be or not. I wish I had internet...
  31. D

    I got a new Pleco!

    I got a new pleco tonight. It is so cool looking! :wub: They told me what kind it was at the pet store but I hadn't heard of it before and now for the life of me I can't remember what they said. So I'm going to post three pictures of it below. Can anyone tell me what kind of pleco I have...
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    Algae eater...

    Wow, I wish I could remember where I saw that picture that looked just like a Chinese algae eater they have at the pet store but the website said it was an otocinculus. Or more likely the pet store has it labelled wrong. Thanks for clearing that up!I think I will probably get four of the...
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    Algae eater...

    I'm sure that the algae is due to too much sunlight. It's not that close to a window and the blinds are closed. But there is more algae on the side closer to the window. This should get taken care of soon as we are putting up curtains to block even more of the sun in the next week or two. So...
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    Algae eater...

    Thank you for your reply. :) Are otocinculus what the pet shops call Chinese algae eaters? I've seen pictures and they look similar. The Queen Arabesque pleco sounds interesting. I don't think I've ever seen one, but I'll have to keep an eye out for it. :) As for turning the lights out...
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    Algae eater...

    I have a rubbernose pleco in my 55 gallon aquarium. I have noticed in the last week that I'm starting to get algae on the gravel and on some of the decorations. Is my rubbernose pleco going to be able to handle this? Or do I need another form of algae eater as well? And if so, does anyone have...
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    Adding Kuhli Loaches

    Thanks for the responses and advice. I'm looking for something else that lives primarliy on the bottom. However, I would like to be able to see and watch them. So maybe I should look into the horse-faced loaches instead. I know our local fish store sells them. Thanks again!
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    Adding Kuhli Loaches

    I would like to add a group of three kuhli loaches to my 55 gallon tank. Is that too many bottom dwellers along with my three cories? Thanks in advance! :)
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    Black Bear Hamster

    Yes, a black bear hamster is the same as a Syrian. Pet stores like to call them black bears because they sell better. LOL And a 10 gallon aquarium should be plenty of room for one. :)
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    Red Phantom Tetras

    Thank you both for your help. I appreciate it. :)
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    Red Phantom Tetras

    I have heard that you can tell the gender of red phantom tetras. Does anyone here have any information on this? Thanks in advance! :)