An appeal on behalf of danios


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
This may come out as a rant, sorry.

Many people are under the impression that all danios are fin nippers,
they are not! Zebra danios (danio rerio) are and so are the man made morph of Zebras, Leopard danio (danio "frankei" rerio). However there are around 36 species of danios that are not!

The term danio is generic and should actually be danionins, which would encompass sunddanios, danios and devarios.

The term Brachydanio is no longer a scientifically acceptable term for any danio, it is valid but it's a relic from the past. (FYI Brachy=slim.)

Any danionin, although may be small, should not be kept in small tanks or in groups of less than 5. They are all very, very active fish and need plenty of space
to swim. In this case small fish does not = small tank.

When posting a question about danios please specify what kind. This would allow quicker responses. Ergo better help for you and you fish.

Sorry but I had to get this off my chest!
Woot woot! You tell them Danio!!!!!! I support ya! I love my long finned zebra dans n ppl say that they're dumb fin nippers! >=(

Stop being mean to Danio!

Ha ha!!!!!!!

I'm not being sarcastic here, because I've never kept them, but do Danios have any personality, I know some fish don't seem like it sometimes, and I was just wondering! :lol:

I have decided to do some research on what kind of fish are "boring" to certain people! :nod: :lol:
wow thanks I didn't expect any replys.

yes hun I feel better now :D

VIP watch out :p
My danios have never nippped another fish's fins.... but they ARE greedy little pigs that manage to steal most of the food before my other fish can get it. Maybe mine are just too fat to be fast enough to nip fins ;)
Puffer_freak said:
I'm not being sarcastic here, because I've never kept them, but do Danios have any personality, I know some fish don't seem like it sometimes, and I was just wondering! :lol:

I have decided to do some research on what kind of fish are "boring" to certain people! :nod: :lol:
Danios Definatly got personality if you ask me. Everytime I even walk past the tank they just come and swim towards me really quickly. They're also very curious in my case which is just great to see. Everything new you add to the tank will be put to all its uses. Playfulness would definatly be one of their good sides as well, chasing eachother (not in a bad way), swimming through plants like its the best thing they've ever done, bubbles!

*sigh* ... I love my danios, so yes, they do have personality :p
I agree that danios have great personalities! I have several different kinds of fish in my tank, and it's the zebra and blue danios who swim up to the side when I walk towards the tank. I just love watching them. :)
njtransit21 said:
Wait, how small is too small? Will a 20 gallon fly with 5?
Its not the tank volume that is the problem its the length of the tank.
see my website for some ideas of tank length required for each species

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