Rafael catfish


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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My LFS has a rafael catfish that is probably about an inch to an inch and a half long. I've read that they don't get real big - about 6". Would this be a good addition to my 55 gallon tank? How fast do they grow? I figure the answer is probably no, but I wanted to ask some of you who have had experience with them as they are so neat looking. Also, if it would be okay in my tank, can I feed it regular fish food and sinking pellets or would it need something special.

Thanks in advance.
In time the raphael would eat your tetras and possibly the danios, while they are not hard core predators like most catfish they rarely turn down the oppertunity for a good meal. Theyre not the fastest growing fish but should be full grown within 2 to 3 years depending on feeding and water quallity. They should also be kept in groups as they are social creatures.
One warning i should give you is that raphaels like all Doradids are totally nocturnal and in a well furnished tank will rarely be seen, if at all.
Thanks for your response. That is what I was wondering. My tank is very calm and I don't want to add anything that could endanger any of the other fish. I'll just hang on and wait till I find just the right fish to add. I don't mind that the fish would be nocturnal , but I definitely don't want it eating any of my other fish. LOL! Thanks again!
They are great fish though, I have some young ones the size you say and there quite active as it goes, especially once i turn 1 of the lights off at feeding time. I'll try and get a video off my phone of them feeding when i put blood worm in!!

on the other hand I have a larger spotted one which I don't see too often, i will see it maybe once a week when it comes out before both lights are out.
i got 2 striped 1's a few weeks back.... i've heard they can get up to 8 1/2 inces long max... mine r now @ about 2-3, u should b ok.... they're great fun when theyre out and seem 2 watch u.. they blink too.... sweeeeeeeeeet! :p
they also let out this weird barking noise when they are taken out of the water. I got my first striped rafael today. it was so weird sounding.
Awww I've still yet to find another for my lone youngster. He got beaten up by my peach spot plec a few days ago for getting too close by accident. :( Really need to find him a buddy to grow with.

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