Search results

  1. V

    betta hellp please

    i do not belive so... the por thing has since died.. :(
  2. V

    betta hellp please

    please i neeed hellp. for the last day my male bettas coler has faded and now it looks like hes lost a fin. its just gone there was no sing of fin rot befor hand. and hes no ative at all. he did feed but not like norm
  3. V

    pics of my 120 gallon

    hi things you will need Drill Jig Saw / fret saw id drill a hole in each courner with a drill bit as big as you jig saw blade. then just run the jig saw round where you want the hole :rolleyes:
  4. V

    My web site V3

    id change the font i find it hard to read.. apart from that no problems with me
  5. V

    New Fire eel pics

    thery nice :D iv just got a Try Track eel. hes not all that big at the mo but he likes to get stuck in my co2 defuser and an ornament :huh: and gets me thery wored :crazy: lol
  6. V

    Update on my search for imported fish

    sounds like a realy good deal to me. id love to bye some off you when/if you breed them. :D :cool:
  7. V

    Cheap Bettas???

    no problem :D
  8. V

    pics of my 120 gallon

    Hi can you please tell me how you go aboult makeing a betta baracks ?? what do you need the gutters for :blink: as im looking to makeing one but dont have a clue
  9. V

    Divided Tank options

    hi iv got a 6uk gal tank devided in to 3 useing home made deviders. i use a smal fome filter with a smal air pump to run it. iv got a tube runing from the walter outlet of the filter to the far end tank vus a constnt change of walter in each comparment. hope thiss helps a little :D
  10. V

    Is this a good size for a betta

    Hi My Bros got one of them tanks and it holds 3-4 ltr and his betta seems quite happy and has all most filld the top with a nest but the heaters dont look to nice in there.
  11. V

    Cheap Bettas???

    could i have a male and female ??? :D of course id pay shiping
  12. V

    My new website

    dont feal to bad aboult it. i bet you whishd you had never asked
  13. V

    Cheap Bettas???

    Id defanatley have some if youd ship to the uk ???
  14. V

    pics of my 18uk gal

    any better??? sorry aboult the flash
  15. DSC00047.jpg


  16. V

    My new website

    iv had a good look and i think for a beginer your not to bad. hows boult getting a msg bord on there??? that would be good and i dont think its all that good to have your phone number on there as theres all kinds of perverts out there just drolling over your sister. i meen you just dont know do...
  17. V

    My new website

    mmm good to see you now have a like to it :rofl:
  18. V

    pics of my 18uk gal

    hi all hers a pic of my 18 uk gal tank for list of fish see below. whats your thoughts on it please??? is it any good? :/
  19. tank_1.jpg


  20. V

    Led whights in tank???

    :hyper: well i think if i use a sink that would stop the plants floating but no room for my fish :rofl:
  21. V

    Beta time

    i thought he looked dead.............. im glad hes not. :D
  22. V


    :o HEY when did you sneek in to my house and take the photo of my toilet???? :rofl:
  23. V

    betta Mix ??

    heres a new pic hope thiss is a little better
  24. red_betta_2_copy.jpg


  25. V

    My Other Betta

    Just thought id show you my other betta. what do you think???
  26. blue_betta_1_copy.jpg


  27. V

    betta Mix ??

    oh realy ? do you think so?? mm there are someany nice bettas here my little boy would not stand a chance. but how would you enter him just in case ;)
  28. V

    betta advice please

    thanks for the advice. ill have to keep an eye out to see if i can find any femails simaler to him. is the much defarence from a ct femail to a normal one in looks? i found him in my lfs for £2.95 and there was no more like him : ) cheres alastair
  29. V

    Led whights in tank???

    ok so what sort of non lead waights can i get???
  30. V

    Led whights in tank???

    would it be ok to way down my plants with big led fishing whights?? is it safe for the fish?? regards alastair
  31. V

    betta Mix ??

    :huh: :blink: :/ :dunno: BOTM ????? whats that ??
  32. V

    betta Mix ??

    the little sod dos not want to pose for me now so ill have to try later. :lol:
  33. V

    betta advice please

    here is a pic of him my betta pic
  34. V

    betta Mix ??

    a little puzzild as to if thiss is a CT or a mix breed??
  35. Red_betta_copy.jpg


  36. V

    betta advice please

    iv got a gorges male betta hes almost pure red but has little whit tips to his fins. the thing is im confused becus i carnt tell if hes a crown tale or just the norm. or maybe a half breed. any way do you think its worth time trying to breed from him?? ill try to get a pik up asap
  37. V

    Ct & HM bettas in the uk

    im on the border of Cambridge and Norfolk. mor to the east but where aboults are you??
  38. V

    Ct & HM bettas in the uk

    dose any one know where you can find CT and HM Bettas in the uk??
  39. V

    UK fish shop directory.

    i went there to day and thay hava a 4 foot cat fish in a tank and it looks realy ill some sort of fungus but it looked like ti was eating away at its skin. if thay can let some thing like that get that ill i dont hold much hope for the others thay have. :no:
  40. V

    How does this sound to you all????

    :D whoo thay have some realy nice bettas. id love to buy a pair and bread them