he's definitely not a crowntail, either a combtail (which is a cross between a crowntail and a non-crowntail type) or a beat up veiltail or delta. looks like he might have some finrot, so my bet would be on the latter. i would treat with melafix and aquarium salt and daily water changes for a bit and see if he improves.
also if you want to breed them then do it, but don't rush into it. its not easy, even if you do everything right you could end up with the male killing the female or vice versa! you need to have really small live food for when the babies first start free swimming (microworms, waterworms, vinegar eels etc) and a brine shrimp hatchery about a week later. read up on it well and make sure you have everything you need before you start, oh and make sure you have enough people/shops willing to take/buy the fish once they are old enough
oops sorry old post