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  1. Jwheat

    celaeno has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello? Hai~ :s

    celaeno has no profile comments yet. Why not say hello? Hai~ :s
  2. Jwheat

    had a great day today! And my hermit crab finally finished molting!!! :DDD

    had a great day today! And my hermit crab finally finished molting!!! :DDD
  3. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    Hi Dan! Thanks so much :hyper: I'm really glad you like it. And I'm sure you have more talent than just waking up in the morning. :) Hi there Carlove :) Thank you so much! I'm glad you think I'm talented. ^_^ :D
  4. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    My betta picture is all finished :) Just finished it earlier today. So I'll post it now. Before: Now: I hope you like it! I tried my best to make it anatomically correct, but it's kind of not since this genre is fantasy. It lacks a title as of now, but it's symbolism is clean air, clean...
  5. Jwheat

    LOL Beth, that joke made me laugh!!!!! XD Hahahha that's awesome, post it on the forum!

    LOL Beth, that joke made me laugh!!!!! XD Hahahha that's awesome, post it on the forum!
  6. Jwheat

    My New Girl!

    Awww she's adorable, I love her! :) I'm glad to hear she is doing well and that she enjoys her company of other fishies!
  7. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    Oh that's awesome! Didn't know about -- I'll be sure to inform my mom about it. :) Thanks so much Chris~~
  8. Jwheat

    Transporting Betta Fish

    Hi I'm sorry for posting so many times, I just have so many questions that can't really be answered by any of my college friends as they have not had any fishpet experience, but I've had great information from everyone on the forum. :D My question this time is: How would you transport a betta...
  9. Jwheat

    Hi I'm Kind Of New!

    Hi my name is Jenny and I'm from CA. And I'm new... but I already made a lot of posts and started a topic all by myself, yay :hyper: And I read the rules, don't worry. I used to run a forum back in high school. :lol: Anyway I just wanted to say hi and I'm new and I have a betta fish named...
  10. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    Hello Seffie and Princesscoral! :D Thank you very much, I'm glad you both like my drawings~ It takes me anywhere from about 10 to 20 hours roughly estimated to colour (and those hours are spread out within 1-3 days, so it's not all in one sitting ;) ) but the sketch takes only 1 hour to...
  11. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    Here is another picture. It's based off the Pokemon "Clamperal" but some of you may not know what that is, so just think of it as a girl in a clam and the girl is the pearl. I was about 16 years old when I drew this so it doesn't look as detailed as other works (and anatomy is quite off)... but...
  12. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    Hello! So I thought I'd post another picture of mine. It was drawn in 2008 (back when I was super super into anime/manga style art). It's a couple flying a kite. Take a look at the kite ~ it's based off of a betta fish. :wub: Yeah the guy looks like a girl, I realise this and I am ashamed of...
  13. Jwheat

    Bored Betta Fish

    Wow that sounds great! Thank you, Beth! I'll see what I can do - that's a great DIY idea. :) I actually let Ivan follow my finger on the side of the wall to see what he would do and he flared - I have never seen a betta flare before and it was so cute!!! He looked like a tiny aquatic lion - his...
  14. Jwheat

    Bored Betta Fish

    Hi you two, thank you for your comments! I'm taking Beth's advice and I am currently looking for a little hiding decoration (otherwise I'll just make him one myself. I won't teach or encourage him how to jump because I would be devastated to see his body lying dead outside the tank if I left the...
  15. Jwheat

    Bored Betta Fish

    Wow thanks so much for your informative reply! You provided me with a lot of helpful information :) I will surely try to get him some flightless fruit flies and see how he does with those, and if he likes them then I will try to culture my own because I doubt they're at all hard to culture. I'm...
  16. Jwheat

    Bored Betta Fish

    Haha they jump for their food? That's kinda cute~ where can I get live food from? I know that when I had baby frogs I gave them flightless fruit flies from Petco, but I don't know where I can get live food for my bettas. Will they eat flightless fruit flies?
  17. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    Thank you so much! I posted the sketch of the betta picture, I'm hoping to colour it after next week. :hyper:
  18. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    I took a picture of the sketch with my phone, here it is. It's me and I'm riding (not in a dirty way) my betta fish, Ivan! It's finished, I'm just not so sure I like the dress (I'm kinda picky :blush: ) When I first got my betta fish, this is how I felt about him - extremely happy. :) Yeah...
  19. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    :blush: Thank you so much!! I'm super glad you like it :D I can't wait to finish my betta picture ^^
  20. Jwheat

    Digital Paintings

    I hope it's legal for me to put some artwork up because I don't really do much photography. Hi! I like digital art a lot and I've been painting with Photoshop since I was like 12 or something. I'm currently working on a picture of my betta splenden, but it is still in sketching stage. I plan to...
  21. Jwheat

    Bored Betta Fish

    Hello! I've had my betta for almost a week now and he has been fine and healthy, blowing bubbles, sleeping on plants, eating correctly, etc. But I feel like he is bored because when I do my homework and stop paying attention to him then he occasionally just sits on the plants lounging around...
  22. Jwheat

    Why Do We Name Or Bettas

    In my Experimental Psychology class we were kind of talking about this- the professor told us that people like to name things (like their cat, dog, fish, guitar, car, etc) as well as say things like "my fish is really happy" or "the rain is out to get me" because it creates almost a soul-like...
  23. Jwheat

    Fin Problems?

    Hehe, so very very true ~ I'm glad that I asked my question because after you and the other person resolved my question I went and researched betta fish colouring and WOAH it was amazing! And I learned some things about the different genetics and the different colourations. And I'm glad my...
  24. Jwheat

    Fin Problems?

    Thank you both! I feel kind of dumb about being worried over what was actually just his normal colouration. :X But I just wanted to be safe. I'm glad my question was clarified, thank you so much!
  25. Jwheat

    Fin Problems?

    I just bought my betta fish (his name is Ivan) over this past weekend and I noticed (when I was looking at him in the store) he had a large white area of white on his anal fin and a small area of white on his ventral fins (he is blue and red). Is something wrong? I didn't think much of it when...