Fin Problems?


New Member
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
California, USA
I just bought my betta fish (his name is Ivan) over this past weekend and I noticed (when I was looking at him in the store) he had a large white area of white on his anal fin and a small area of white on his ventral fins (he is blue and red). Is something wrong?

I didn't think much of it when I was in the store but I came back to my dorm to transfer him to his tank and then I was kind of worried about the patch of white on his fin. I put in a teaspoon of aquarium salt into his tank, he isn't bloated, I feed him brine shrimp and bloodworms, I have real and silk plants set up for him, he swims around the tank normally, sleeps at the top of the tank at night, and he blew a bubble nest two days ago. There are no other fish in the tank and I have gravel but it's large, smooth black rocks, they don't tear his fins.

He seems healthy, but I lack past experience so I'm a bit anxious about keeping him healthy. Does he have fin rot? If so, how can I treat it/what antibiotics are recommended?

Also, how much should I be feeding him (bloodworms and brine shrimp) per day? He doesn't like betta pellets so I don't feed him those. The pet store said to feed him 2-3 times per week but that seems like starvation. But I could be wrong. Clarification?

I'll post some pictures to better diagnose his fin problem.





Sorry for the awful quality pictures, I took them with my phone.

Thank you for looking at my post. :wub:

It's better to ask a 'dumb' question and be overly concerned than not ask it and keep wondering. The ammount of 'dumb' questions myself and others have asked is unbelievable - but you have to learn somewhere. You have to start by asking the simple questions to learn :).
It's better to ask a 'dumb' question and be overly concerned than not ask it and keep wondering. The ammount of 'dumb' questions myself and others have asked is unbelievable - but you have to learn somewhere. You have to start by asking the simple questions to learn :).

Hehe, so very very true ~ I'm glad that I asked my question because after you and the other person resolved my question I went and researched betta fish colouring and WOAH it was amazing! And I learned some things about the different genetics and the different colourations. And I'm glad my fishie isn't sick, I would be devastated. :D By the way you have a really cute username!
Some bettas are amazing colouration. I saw a pure red one the other day and I was in love and he was just plain red haha.

Mine is orangy, pinky and irredescent blue. It's amazing what asking certain questions can achieve :)

TY for the username comment :)

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