Bored Betta Fish


New Member
Apr 28, 2010
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California, USA

Hello! I've had my betta for almost a week now and he has been fine and healthy, blowing bubbles, sleeping on plants, eating correctly, etc. But I feel like he is bored because when I do my homework and stop paying attention to him then he occasionally just sits on the plants lounging around. The first time he did that I thought he was dead so I walked over and he started to swim around again (whew!). A lot of the time he is swimming around the tank without any stimulation.

But yeah, the poor guy seems really bored, just lounging all the time and only perking up when someone is paying attention to him. It's hard to be giving him attention this week, though, because it's finals week and I have to study.

Any suggestions on what I can do to make my little fishie happier? After I sell my school books I will have more money, but any suggestions that are low priced and/or DIY-able are VERY appreciated. Yay! :)

In his current tank there is a silk plant, round smooth large rocks, and 3 real plants that haven't grown yet (been less than a week since I put them in).
Once in a while I give my bettas live food, something to hunt you know. I also put food on a toothpick and make them jump out of the water trying to get it, after 4 or 5 jumps I give them the food.
Once in a while I give my bettas live food, something to hunt you know. I also put food on a toothpick and make them jump out of the water trying to get it, after 4 or 5 jumps I give them the food.

Haha they jump for their food? That's kinda cute~ where can I get live food from? I know that when I had baby frogs I gave them flightless fruit flies from Petco, but I don't know where I can get live food for my bettas. Will they eat flightless fruit flies?
congrats on the new betta!
ive found that no matter how "decorated" a tank is, bettas eventually get used to their surroundings and lounge a LOT! they swim and patrol a lot at first, then once they are confident there is not any "threats" around, they just chill out. he swims all frantic when a person walks by because he thinks its food time. they beg like crazy. dont give in and overfeed him as can lead to major betta health problems.
as for stimulation the easiest(and cheapest by far) solution is the simply redecorate his tank every waterchange. just rearrange the ornaments/plants every so often. he will think its a new place and explore/patrol more. not that it is essential or their well-being. but something to try if youd like him more active. also, silly as it sounds, play games with him. one of mine LOVES to follow your finger along the glass. its cute. probably thinks its feeding time and if he plays along he will get food.
as for the wingless fruit flies its worth a try! very similar to what they would naturally eat. and you could easily set up your own breeding colony for them. id get some, see if he will eat them, and then look into maintaining your own colony.
best of luck!
I would discourage teaching your betta to jump, otherwise you may come down to a fishless tank, with a betta on the floor, if you left the tank lid off :blink:

Give him things he can hide in, investigate. Coconut shell hides are good, the like to mull around in them :good:
I think bettas generally lounge aroung loads. I agree with not encouraging him to jump - he may well jump right out when you're not around and that'd be sad :(
congrats on the new betta!
ive found that no matter how "decorated" a tank is, bettas eventually get used to their surroundings and lounge a LOT! they swim and patrol a lot at first, then once they are confident there is not any "threats" around, they just chill out. he swims all frantic when a person walks by because he thinks its food time. they beg like crazy. dont give in and overfeed him as can lead to major betta health problems.
as for stimulation the easiest(and cheapest by far) solution is the simply redecorate his tank every waterchange. just rearrange the ornaments/plants every so often. he will think its a new place and explore/patrol more. not that it is essential or their well-being. but something to try if youd like him more active. also, silly as it sounds, play games with him. one of mine LOVES to follow your finger along the glass. its cute. probably thinks its feeding time and if he plays along he will get food.
as for the wingless fruit flies its worth a try! very similar to what they would naturally eat. and you could easily set up your own breeding colony for them. id get some, see if he will eat them, and then look into maintaining your own colony.
best of luck!

Wow thanks so much for your informative reply! You provided me with a lot of helpful information :) I will surely try to get him some flightless fruit flies and see how he does with those, and if he likes them then I will try to culture my own because I doubt they're at all hard to culture.
I'm glad he isn't overly bored with my tank, again thank you so much! :lol:
I would discourage teaching your betta to jump, otherwise you may come down to a fishless tank, with a betta on the floor, if you left the tank lid off :blink:

Give him things he can hide in, investigate. Coconut shell hides are good, the like to mull around in them :good:

I think bettas generally lounge aroung loads. I agree with not encouraging him to jump - he may well jump right out when you're not around and that'd be sad :(

Hi you two, thank you for your comments! I'm taking Beth's advice and I am currently looking for a little hiding decoration (otherwise I'll just make him one myself. I won't teach or encourage him how to jump because I would be devastated to see his body lying dead outside the tank if I left the lid off by accident. :-(
You can make hiding places with slate or roof tiles, just break them up and make a little home :good:

Let us know how you get on x
You can make hiding places with slate or roof tiles, just break them up and make a little home :good:

Let us know how you get on x

Wow that sounds great! Thank you, Beth! I'll see what I can do - that's a great DIY idea. :)

I actually let Ivan follow my finger on the side of the wall to see what he would do and he flared - I have never seen a betta flare before and it was so cute!!! He looked like a tiny aquatic lion - his flared gills looked like a cute lion mane. :lol: That will keep him busy until I can get a decent hiding place for him :D
I would discourage teaching your betta to jump, otherwise you may come down to a fishless tank, with a betta on the floor, if you left the tank lid off :blink:

Give him things he can hide in, investigate. Coconut shell hides are good, the like to mull around in them :good:
Yep, for sure do not teach your betta to jump. One of mine now jumps at least 1" out of the water whenever I go to feed him or do a water change. He's almost made it out of his tank a few times. Luckily it's covered!
Coconut caves are also excellent hidey holes :) you can make them yourself for the price of a coconut and a saw, screwdriver and spoon hehe

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