Search results

  1. D

    Suitable Tank Mates

    above someone said a dwarf gourami and that would be a bad idea. i would go with smaller fish like neon, glowlights, and varieties of only small fish of groups. also a good planted tank so the betta or others can go away from everything else. Cory's are a good idea but i would go with the...
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    Room For Some More?

    i hate when people use liters... how many gallons is it?? i have a tendancy to put more fish in for its size and space becuase i like to look over and see fish but ill give my oppinion if i can see how many gallons 60 liters are
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    March 2010 Potm Nominations

    my dog, his name is skip
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    Agressivness From Eeggs

    im moving my angelfish to a 47 gallon vertical and in the 14 gallon they are in now before they got so big one of the females likes to lay eggs. well i have 2 angelfish and their both females. if my angelfish layed eggs in this tank would it hurt the others trying to protect it? im afraid for...
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    Tankmates Of Simease Fight Fish

    ok well from what it looks like im heading for a male simease fighting fish in a 5 gallon alone. from what ive read i think that the betta likes owning its own space.
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    where do you live for local pickup? i may want everything but the fish if yuo can find a good home for them. btw, how many gallons is the tank and is the filter a undergrund filter? or is the filter one of those with the pipe going into the tank and filter hanging from the back?
  7. D

    Nominate Him:)

    thanks :)
  8. D

    Nominate Him:)

    his name is skip :)
  9. D

    Tankmates Of Simease Fight Fish

    i see what u are saying. i may go with a betta and a some shrimp to breed there for food for them or angels or chicleds. also how do you tell what male or female simease fighting fish you have? becuase i want a male one becuase i heard they look more cool and pretty. i want a fish with...
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    Best Way To Get Plants?

    is it better to buy the plants straight or is it better to buy the bulbs??
  11. D

    Corys And Snails?

    now what about black kuhli loaches? im going to get those soon and wondering if i should add snails. also if i add one snail would they start multiplying?
  12. D

    Tankmates Of Simease Fight Fish

    well my mom says that you cant put anything with the simease fighting fish which im sure is the betta. i thought u could put it with smaller things like neons. i was planning on putting like 8 neons and a simease fighting fish in my 5 gallon but i may onlt go with the simease fighting fish...
  13. D

    Corys And Snails?

    im thinking about introducing snails to my 47 gallon vertical but i know they get way out of controll so i was wondering it pepered Cory's and kuhli loaches eat snails and keeps them under control?
  14. D

    New Tankmates

    in my 47 gallon vertical i have 12 zebra danio's, 3 gourami's, and 4 pepered cory's. im going to add 3 black kuhli loaches and 2 more pepered cory's. im also adding 2 pretty big angelfish. i may get 4 black kuhli's but idk yet. theirs 2 concerns that i have that im a bit nervous about. im...
  15. D

    Betta Tank Finally Cycled. What Now?

    idk much about cycling becuase i never did it i just used a carbon filter. i think you need to have hardy fish is good like danio's are very hardy idk what it rlly means but im pretty sure u need that lol
  16. D

    Angels Tankmates

    i can see neons but i dont think danio's. im going to ask around more, im putting them in in like a week or two if anyone else tells me differ
  17. D

    Journaling My Killifish Nothobranchius Rachovii Beira 98 Fry [Batch:

    how are they coming, i wanna see some pictures : ) did u say u just bought killi eggs off of ebay and put them in water??
  18. D

    Angels Tankmates

    will my biggish angelfish eat the danio's going back to the original question. first off i cant afford no discus, second of all i need to know THIS question
  19. D

    How Did You Get Into Bettas?

    well i saw them in them cups and they looked so cool. at the time i think i had 2 angelfish (which i still have) and some tiger barbs in a 14 gallon. they looked so cool in them cups i had to get one. he only lived mabey a week before the angelfish killed him. i plan on buying another one...
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    Angels Tankmates

    30 in tall, 20 in. wide. its taller then it is wide so its not like your avrage 47 gallon
  21. D

    Angels Tankmates

    well im going to put my angels into a 47 vertical tank with zebra danio's and pepered cory's and gourami's. there are 2 of them and their pretty big. they have way overgrown their 14 gallon as there like about 4 and 3 inches this way ------ and like 5 and 6 inches this way (up and down)...
  22. D

    Turning In Fish

    well from petsmart, i was wondering if i cud like sell my fish to them. if anyone knows specificlly about petsmart that would be great. my 14 gallon is too small for my big angels and i have no where to put them. i was also wondering how much i could get for them. they both are 5 and 6...
  23. D

    Yoyo Loaches

    im going to put some yoyo loaches in my 47 gallon vertical tank. this tank contains 4 pepered cory's, 12 zebra danio's, and 3 gourami's. i need to know a bit of background info on these yoyo loaches. i was going to get clown loaches but they get too big for the tank. do yoyo loaches eat...
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    Compatiblility And Clown Loach

    the angelfish were acually the first fish's i ever got when i got started with them, i raised them to that size from smaller then an inch so im not getting rid of them. im not planning on getting any other tanks or any of the tanks. im 14 yrs old and on a budget so i cant get that much stuff...
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    Compatiblility And Clown Loach

    the 2 lerpinus are both about 2" and the angels are about 5" and 6". idk what i should do but i originally put leporinus in 47 gallon knowing nothing when i came home witht hem becuase i saw them in with kissing gurami's so figured they were nice fish. when they started attacking my cory's i...
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    Whats In My Tank?

    idk i have a carbon filter so i dont need to worry about that stuff, in the year i have raised fish and the 10 yrs my parents and even longer with grandparents they used carbon filters and have never measures that stuff before. i just keep track of the temp. i think i got everything im just...
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    Whats In My Tank?

    o i know what you mean by vacume i have one that i use to vacume my parents 55 gallon. im saying the vacume strand that u put in the sink first, the tube will not reach my tanks since the bathroom is across the hall. now my tanks aint discusting or nothing. once i get more fish put into it...
  28. D

    Whats In My Tank?

    i did google that planaria and those little worm things looked nasty in the google pictures lol. its just like little line worms that move, it doesnt look like it has eyes but theres a bunch of small ones. i never vacume anything becuase i cant since my tanks are in my room and the vacume we...
  29. D

    Compatiblility And Clown Loach

    in my 47 gallon i have 3 gourami's, 12 zebra danio's, 4 pepered cory's and was thinking of adding a couple things mabey next week. i was thinking of adding 2 clown loaches, 2 pepered cory's, and like 3 golden gourami's. whats ur guy's idea about that mix?? ps: idk the real name of my...
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    Tankmates Of Gourami's

    well in my 47 gallon i have 12 zebra danio's, 4 pepered cory's, and 3 i think pearl gourami's, idk what type but their blue and kinda chubby from being in a 5 gallon. i saw these net gold gourami's in the store like 2 weeks ago and was thinking of getting them. would it be okay for everything...
  31. D

    Whats In My Tank?

    in the 14 gallon with 2 angels and in my 47 gallon im starting to see some on the sides of glass. theirs a whole bunch in my 14 gallon where just a couple in 47 gallon. they are these little worm-like things that move like super slow. their no longer then half of a centimeter. i noticed it...