Whats In My Tank?


New Member
Feb 27, 2010
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in the 14 gallon with 2 angels and in my 47 gallon im starting to see some on the sides of glass. theirs a whole bunch in my 14 gallon where just a couple in 47 gallon. they are these little worm-like things that move like super slow. their no longer then half of a centimeter. i noticed it in the 14 gallon mabey a a month or so and ive used parasite and fungal clear. the black angel seems to look good but the white angel (who has had about 5-7 batches of eggs but with no male no babies) seems to have like got beat up but that may be from the black one. im starting to think its a harmless bacteria thing but idk, the 5 gallon or my parents 55 gallon doesnt have it so i just have no idea.

not rlly a emergencie but i need to now if i need to do anything or just leave it alone.
in the 14 gallon with 2 angels and in my 47 gallon im starting to see some on the sides of glass. theirs a whole bunch in my 14 gallon where just a couple in 47 gallon. they are these little worm-like things that move like super slow. their no longer then half of a centimeter. i noticed it in the 14 gallon mabey a a month or so and ive used parasite and fungal clear. the black angel seems to look good but the white angel (who has had about 5-7 batches of eggs but with no male no babies) seems to have like got beat up but that may be from the black one. im starting to think its a harmless bacteria thing but idk, the 5 gallon or my parents 55 gallon doesnt have it so i just have no idea.

not rlly a emergencie but i need to now if i need to do anything or just leave it alone.
google planaria. most likely what it is. absolutely harmless. some fish will eat them. fry love them. generally caused by dirty substrate (ie poor vacuuming). its up to you whether or not you want to get rid of them. leaving them be wont hurt anything. if you want them gone, dont overfeed the fish and do better substrate vacuuming.
i did google that planaria and those little worm things looked nasty in the google pictures lol. its just like little line worms that move, it doesnt look like it has eyes but theres a bunch of small ones. i never vacume anything becuase i cant since my tanks are in my room and the vacume we have wont reach here. i do say i overfeed the angels becuase theirs only two in there and idk how much to feed em since i feed flakes. im gonna say thats what it is even though it looks nastier in the pictures but ur info u said in the post seemed acurate. will a plecausomas be good in there with them two angels (white one is 4 in. black one around 5in.) they do get pretty anoyying. and im going to guess thats what they are too, i just tihnk the 2 angels are fighting a bit since their teritorial although places to be apart of cource they both like the same spot lol.

ps: thanks for info, ur a fish genuius ( :
i did google that planaria and those little worm things looked nasty in the google pictures lol. its just like little line worms that move, it doesnt look like it has eyes but theres a bunch of small ones. i never vacume anything becuase i cant since my tanks are in my room and the vacume we have wont reach here. i do say i overfeed the angels becuase theirs only two in there and idk how much to feed em since i feed flakes. im gonna say thats what it is even though it looks nastier in the pictures but ur info u said in the post seemed acurate. will a plecausomas be good in there with them two angels (white one is 4 in. black one around 5in.) they do get pretty anoyying. and im going to guess thats what they are too, i just tihnk the 2 angels are fighting a bit since their teritorial although places to be apart of cource they both like the same spot lol.

ps: thanks for info, ur a fish genuius ( :
by vacuum i dont mean a household vacuum(if thats what you are thinking). a gravel vacuum is a piece of plastic tubing with a larger diameter portion on one end). have a google of that too so you know what i am talking about (pardon if you DO know, just by reading your reply i think you are confused as to what i mean by vacuuming the gravel). it is really an important part of the maintanence routine in a tank. if you arent vacuuming the other tanks, i suspect the planaria will eventually show up in those tanks as well.
and thanks for the compliment :blush:
o i know what you mean by vacume i have one that i use to vacume my parents 55 gallon. im saying the vacume strand that u put in the sink first, the tube will not reach my tanks since the bathroom is across the hall. now my tanks aint discusting or nothing. once i get more fish put into it and plant it a bit more im going to take a picture of it and try to win that monthy tank or whatever. i need to buy more bulbs and plant them somewhere for some live plants then i may enter it. ill try to take some pics later tho.

i do keep the tanks pretty clean but i do think i overfeed them becuase i have the tendency to overthink things, i put in extra becuase i was recenly thinking that i needed to put some newer food in for the cory's. but my tank is a vertical 47 gallon which means its is taller then wider. if it helps it is 31 in. high and 20 in. wide. so it is harder to clean.
What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

idk i have a carbon filter so i dont need to worry about that stuff, in the year i have raised fish and the 10 yrs my parents and even longer with grandparents they used carbon filters and have never measures that stuff before. i just keep track of the temp.

i think i got everything im just going to put a plecosimus with the angels in 14 gallon and not feed them as much. thanks for ur help loraxchick ;)
You need to keep a track of water stats.
Over feeding, over stocking, and lack of maintance can soon alter water stats.

Carbon only good for removing meds.
It's a complete waste of money to use it all the time.
It's only affective for up to 2 to 9 days anyway.

How often do you maintain the tank with a gravel vac, and water change.

Over feeding fish can lead to health problems, and bad water quality.
o i know what you mean by vacume i have one that i use to vacume my parents 55 gallon. im saying the vacume strand that u put in the sink first, the tube will not reach my tanks since the bathroom is across the hall. now my tanks aint discusting or nothing. once i get more fish put into it and plant it a bit more im going to take a picture of it and try to win that monthy tank or whatever. i need to buy more bulbs and plant them somewhere for some live plants then i may enter it. ill try to take some pics later tho.

i do keep the tanks pretty clean but i do think i overfeed them becuase i have the tendency to overthink things, i put in extra becuase i was recenly thinking that i needed to put some newer food in for the cory's. but my tank is a vertical 47 gallon which means its is taller then wider. if it helps it is 31 in. high and 20 in. wide. so it is harder to clean.

Dont be lazy - do what I do! My 250L tank is in the living room and no where near a sink! I bought a huge plastic tub from a hardware store and syphon and vaccum the water off into that - then at the end empty the tub bucket load by bucket load - then refill with fresh water by the bucket load.

The reason you are seeing lots of planaria is because you are overfeeding and not clearing up excess food. You need to cut down on feeding and clean your tank properly. No excuses - you really need to give the gravel a good hoovering at least once a week to remove poo and uneaten food or you will have major problems!

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