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  1. C

    Nitrate- How To Lower It?

    Although not ideal conditions, your fish are accustomed to the high nitrate levels. If you haven't had any fish deaths or your fishes aren't showing any overt signs of stress, then they are not in any imminent danger in the short term. Massive daily water changes for the sole purpose of...
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    How To Set Up A Quarantine Tank?

    I quarantine all my new arrivals and treat with an anti-parasite med for a couple of weeks before introducing them to the main tank. Once you get burned (as I have) by placing seemingly healthy but diseased new stock into a thriving tank straightaway, the importance of quarantine becomes clear...
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    Native Fish Disease Transfer

    In addition to tropicals, I also keep North American native sunfishes. Almost all diseases that affect temperate freshwater fishes can also infect tropical fishes and vice versa. Any wild-caught fish will likely harbor some parasites. The wisest course of action would be to quarantine any of...
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    This Is Mainly For Wilder.

    Aquarium Products makes a product called Euthanase that will put your fish into a deep sleep until it passes peacefully. If you can't find Euthanase, clove oil is its active ingredient, so you might be able to find clove oil. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions that are in the best...
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    Small Fish...big Problem

    Try netting them at night about an hour after the tank lights and all room lights have been turned off. Use a small flashlight; don't shine it directly on the fish, but shine it an an angle (or better yet hold your hand over most of the lens) so that you have just enough light to see by. It...
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    Need Clown Loach Is Acting Weird

    Aquarisol is a copper sulfate-based medication, so that could account for your loach's strange behavior. Diluting the concentration by a water change is excellent advice. In my experience, botiid loaches with ich try to get as close to the water surface/filter outflow as possible, but I have...
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    Treating Ick With Cupramine; Spiny Eel & Loaches

    Seachem advertises this product as having a wider gap than most copper meds between therapeutic dosage and lethal dosage. That being said, I would use another med if possible. Seachem's Paraguard is a twist on the traditional formalin/malachite green treatment that uses a supposedly less toxic...
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    Melanotaenia Lacustris--Odd Colour Change

    The stripe is normal for healthy males displaying to females, as is darker coloration. I expect your fish appreciated the addition of the plants. I keep a dozen of these fish together in an equal mix of males and females. The males can turn this stripe on or off instantly like a neon sign...
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    Columbian Red Fin Tetra Problem

    I went through the same problem with Columbian tetras. Mine were kept in a group of about a dozen, and they all succumbed to the problem you describe over a period of about six months. I removed the sick ones to a quarantine tank and tried six or so different antibiotics (not on the same...
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    Spiny Eel Aggression At Feeding Time

    They are in a 55-gallon tank, heavily planted, with a sand substrate and many places to hide. Carlton
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    Spiny Eel Aggression At Feeding Time

    A few weeks ago I acquired three Macrognathus meklongensis,which have settled in nicely. The smallest is about 4 inches long, and the largest is about 5 inches. I feed them small, chopped earthworms each evening. They greedily devour the worms, but what started as a peaceful process has...