Spiny Eel Aggression At Feeding Time


New Member
Feb 1, 2010
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A few weeks ago I acquired three Macrognathus meklongensis,which have settled in nicely. The smallest is about 4 inches long, and the largest is about 5 inches. I feed them small, chopped earthworms each evening. They greedily devour the worms, but what started as a peaceful process has become rather violent. I place the worms in the same corner of the tank at each feeding, and the eels soon congregate there. While I put in sufficient worms so that each eel has his fill, they have taken to fighting at meal time. This begins with the usual piscine side-by-side swimming in place (as a test of strength, I presume), but it degenerates into a biting, swirling contest that might last a couple of minutes.

Has anyone else observed similar aggressive feeding behavior in small spiny eels? It only occurs at feeding, and no apparent damage occurs. The smallest of the three gives as good as he gets, so it is not a case of bullying in the sense that I have observed in some other fishes.

How big is the tank? In general, Macrognathus spp. get along well, and the fact you have 3 rather than 2 specimens helps. Unless you saw real signs of physical damage, I wouldn't be too concerned.

Cheers, Neale
How big is the tank? In general, Macrognathus spp. get along well, and the fact you have 3 rather than 2 specimens helps. Unless you saw real signs of physical damage, I wouldn't be too concerned.

Cheers, Neale

They are in a 55-gallon tank, heavily planted, with a sand substrate and many places to hide.

Should be fine. If anything, you might add a couple more if they're cheap and easy to get. Failing that, do try spreading the food out a bit, and of course make sure everyone has a cave to retire too if things get too fraught.

Cheers, Neale

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