Native Fish Disease Transfer


Sep 15, 2010
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NW England
If this post is in the wrong place could a mod kindly move it, thanks

My other hobby is angling and I was wondering if any of the diseases of native fish such as KHV, SVC,Dropsy etc are capable of infecting tropical species or vice versa ?
Dropsy is common in tropical fish too, although it is not thought to be contagious, but that has not been proven.

If this post is in the wrong place could a mod kindly move it, thanks

My other hobby is angling and I was wondering if any of the diseases of native fish such as KHV, SVC,Dropsy etc are capable of infecting tropical species or vice versa ?

In addition to tropicals, I also keep North American native sunfishes. Almost all diseases that affect temperate freshwater fishes can also infect tropical fishes and vice versa. Any wild-caught fish will likely harbor some parasites. The wisest course of action would be to quarantine any of your catches in a separate tank for at least a couple of weeks, while treating them with a general anti-parasite medication. (Seachem's Paraguard is excellent and quite safe, and it also has some effect against fungus and bacteria.) I perform the same quarantine while treating with Paraguard for all new acquisitions, whether purchased or wild-caught.
If this post is in the wrong place could a mod kindly move it, thanks

My other hobby is angling and I was wondering if any of the diseases of native fish such as KHV, SVC,Dropsy etc are capable of infecting tropical species or vice versa ?

In addition to tropicals, I also keep North American native sunfishes. Almost all diseases that affect temperate freshwater fishes can also infect tropical fishes and vice versa. Any wild-caught fish will likely harbor some parasites. The wisest course of action would be to quarantine any of your catches in a separate tank for at least a couple of weeks, while treating them with a general anti-parasite medication. (Seachem's Paraguard is excellent and quite safe, and it also has some effect against fungus and bacteria.) I perform the same quarantine while treating with Paraguard for all new acquisitions, whether purchased or wild-caught.
Thanks for that insight, but I was thinking more in terms of my personal hygiene, of me acting as the host as it were

I take the precaution of using an anti bacterial gel after a fishing session to protect me against Weils and leptospirosis, but I`m unsure if this would counter any possible cross contamination of my tank fish
i wouldnt worry about it if you arent actually adding the fish to your tanks. should be washing your hands afterword anyway even if just to get rid of the stink and dirt from fishing :hyper:

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