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  1. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Seffie, Thanks for the comments Yeah the mandy looks great! Im so happy :D with him
  2. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    here's some close ups The above photo has been tinkered with to look brighter...i dont really know what I did to it but, its not as colourful as that in real life. This is my beloved mandy looking as fat as my cat! :D My fat cat! :lol:
  3. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Thanks for the great comments guys! I'll post some more pics when I get a min :good:
  4. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    This is how things are looking now I'll put some new ones up of my mandy soon...he is looking well :good:
  5. CoMan

    Help Arcadia Otl T5 End Plate Broken

    fixed it....
  6. CoMan

    Help Arcadia Otl T5 End Plate Broken

    Hi guys I bought this light from flebay, got it home and dropped it the second I got through the door! I'm a complete cluts! :crazy: I've busted the end plate that has the on off switches and the power cable. I've looked at the arcadia website and seen they sell spares. They have an end...
  7. CoMan

    Looking At Bigger Tank

    thankz guys...some really nice tanks...gona need to save my pennies :hey:
  8. CoMan

    Looking At Bigger Tank

    anyone know a good brand of aquarium???
  9. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    I'll post some very soon
  10. CoMan

    Looking At Bigger Tank

    sounds perfect where's a good place to look
  11. CoMan

    Looking At Bigger Tank

    Hi I'm currently running an orca tl550...Im looking to upgrade in the near future and thinking of a 4ftx2x2 tank. I want a nice looking cabinet with sump etc. Any ideas? makes? models? manufactures? Cheers CoMan
  12. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    hey guys I know its been ages since my last post but thought I'd let you know how its going! Ill post some pic soon but basically all is fine in the tank...the dragonets are doing well! the Mandy is FAT! seriously. All the other fish seem cool. Corals are looking good, mushrooms splitting etc...
  13. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Hey Thanks I do spend a bit of time cleaning it daily and water changes weekly on the button. Its just become a part of my routine. The hermits were a real pain, I used the glass as a training aid to get them on to frozen but i ditched it after about a month as like you said the hermits...
  14. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Hi Its been ages since my last post and I've added a few things since then check out my video and photos. Now have a copepod culture I've added some dragonets, an scooter blenny and a spotted mandarin, both have been in for a while and seem to be doing fine, both also eat frozen food. I tried...
  15. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Cheers Seffie, Im thinking of doing that, she is just so shy and timid. I think she needs a tank with loads of rocks, somewhere where she aint going to be bothered by other rock dwelling fish like my coral beauty. Who is in and out of every nock and cranny and doesn't care who he offends lol...
  16. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Check out my Video its only about 1 min long Cheers
  17. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Hi guys, Sorry Ive been AWOL for a few weeks but you know how it is with life and love etc. So a few things have been going on with my tank, First thing to up date on is my White Spot issue. So basically I removed the Royal Gramma and she has been in a QT for about a month. She looks really...
  18. CoMan

    White Spots On Coral Beauty!

    Sorry to here about the clown bro...Im doing QT at the moment for my royal gramma, she dont look good either...I guess its just a case of keeping finger crossed. Hope the other fish pull through, If their eating Im sure thats a good sign.
  19. CoMan

    White Spots On Coral Beauty!

    Just to let you know...when I treated my coral beauty with cuprazin he really struggle to deal with the copper treatment...within 3 hours of putting it in he was swimming on his side and being blown around by the powerhead...I was sure he was going to die. I read that dwarf angles are notably...
  20. CoMan


    Yeah I got a phosphate test kit but its so hard to read as the colour for 0 is not much different from the colour for 0.5 Is it expensive to buy?
  21. CoMan

    Mojo Dojo's 20 Gallon

    ok...think Ill give that a try...the chaeto, where you planning on putting it? sump or in the main display? do fish eat it?
  22. CoMan


    I see. Im going to have to buy a unit then.... I have been doing some reading on the Macro Algae. Can I but it in the main tank as I dont have a sump system.
  23. CoMan


  24. CoMan


    I feed New era flake small amounts three times a day but have just changed to once a day and I feed as much as they can eat in about 1 min. I use rowaphos...I have recently changed it about two weeks ago...which was about the same time the cyano started? I have moved the rocks to increase...
  25. CoMan


    Hi all Im fighting Cyano bacteria, but am getting my but kicked....any advise please would really help Cheers guys
  26. CoMan

    Mojo Dojo's 20 Gallon

    looking really good question. how did you sort out your cyano issue. just that im starting to get some in my tl550 and I cant get it to budge, cheers
  27. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Still fighting the white spot! the CB only has 1or2 spots but the RG is covered....Im feeding often and both are taking it. The CB has stopped rubbing but the RG continues. The CB seems to be chasing the RG quite a lot which is something that I've never seen before. Im getting depressed about...
  28. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    hi all Fish still have a few spots but seem to be holding up. The coral beauty looks loads better but he has started swinging erratically, twitching his head from side to side and caught him rubbing against the LR. Im happy with water quality as Nitrates are 0, Nitrites 0 PH 8.1, KH 10, cal...
  29. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Thanks Seffie Just two more Qs on this I promise Ok does that mean the unit is always under pressure? Should I go four stage or three stage? Cheers your the best! x
  30. CoMan

    Converting Tropical Tank To Marine?

    Hi Im a newbie here but anything is possible, it will depend on quite a few things. I think it may help people reading this post if you could give a little more info? like what tank you have? shape size and litres? what lighting it has (PCs T5 Halides)? what you want to keep in it(fish only...
  31. CoMan

    Id Wild Creature Of Some Sort...

    Man thats one ugly fish/thing....looks like an alien
  32. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    I take it that the ball valves are use to isolate the unit at the "tap water in" end and the "ro water out" end. Also, does DI stand for Deionisation? thus do I need a 4 stage unit? Thanks Seffie x
  33. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    So as of this morning my fish look 99% spot free :good: ??? dont worry Im not counting my chickens :/
  34. CoMan

    New Tank - Fluval Edge

    Hi good luck with your set up would be cool to see it some pics when you get a chance :good:
  35. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    How does this one look? Would I need 50GPD 75GPD or 100GPD? is it just the speed in which it makes the water? There doesn't seem to be much difference in the price?
  36. CoMan

    Some Advice Please On New Set-Up

    That looks wicked!
  37. CoMan

    Boyu Tl-550

    Morri is there any info or links on the 3rd PC option...I would be very interested in this Cheers
  38. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Trod What unit did you get? I've been looking into getting one but not sure if I would need the amount of water it would create? Does that make sense? have I got this wrong?
  39. CoMan

    Coral Of The Week - Sarcophytons

    Ar thats sad... Lovely looking coral Simonas
  40. CoMan

    Fragging Toadstools

    Ive been looking at the toadstool and it kind of looks like its splitting vertically right through the middle! from the head right down the stem....I guess I'll have two soon anyway you think? Cheers for the info, I currently having issues with white spot again so when this is sorted I may try...