Fragging Toadstools


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2010
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One day I'd like to frag my toadstool. How long should I have him before I attempt this? He's been in for just under two months...Im guessing its still too early?


How large is it and how is it affixed to the LR? SH

The head is about a 5 x 3 inch rectangle shape and its stem is about 4 inches long and about 1,5 inches thick

To be honest Im unsure how its attached? Where the stem meets the live rock there is a slightly darker stem base, Im unsure if this darker bit is part of the toadstool or a glue/putty? I'll post a pick tmrw, when Im at home.
youtube it, uou just cut it with a very sharp scalpel or kinfe. id leave it a while longer yet. but they are very hardy corals. Expect a BIG sulk after though
youtube it, uou just cut it with a very sharp scalpel or kinfe. id leave it a while longer yet. but they are very hardy corals. Expect a BIG sulk after though

Cheers...think I'll leave it for a while longer as you suggested.
When you do it, frag it in a separate tank. Some will release toxins during the process. SH
When you do it, frag it in a separate tank. Some will release toxins during the process. SH
Ok, Im guessing the whole thing will have to go into a new tank then...The original toadstool and the frags? Would this need to be a complete setup?(skimmer, Live rock, chemical filtration, good lighting etc)

I saw a demo on utube where the dude just cut a chunk off whilst it was in his main display, but I guess his tank had moochos moochos more gallons than mine so could handle the toxins etc...ok

And I saw another where the fella advises to leave the now fragged toadstool soaking in a tub of water for a while so the toxins leach out before adding it back to the main display?? IYO would that be ok??

Cheers SH
id leave them both in a bucket for a bit if it were me
Cheers, I was thinking... If I just cut the head off the stem about half way down and attach it to a bit of rock, would it survive and would a new head grow on the stem left behind?
id leave them both in a bucket for a bit if it were me
Cheers, I was thinking... If I just cut the head off the stem about half way down and attach it to a bit of rock, would it survive and would a new head grow on the stem left behind?

I would leave both in a bucket for awhile too (not hours and hours but just for a short while) as they will give off a slime coating that can be toxic (especially to sps corals). When you place back in the display tank put both the frag and the mother colony back in the same place they came from.

Yes you can just cut the head off and the stem will regrow a new head.

I would highly recommend running active carbon on the display for a day or two after you frag them to remove any toxins they might still release.

I have seen people literally hack a toadstool into pieces and have each piece grow back into a new toadstool.
id leave them both in a bucket for a bit if it were me
Cheers, I was thinking... If I just cut the head off the stem about half way down and attach it to a bit of rock, would it survive and would a new head grow on the stem left behind?

I would leave both in a bucket for awhile too (not hours and hours but just for a short while) as they will give off a slime coating that can be toxic (especially to sps corals). When you place back in the display tank put both the frag and the mother colony back in the same place they came from.

Yes you can just cut the head off and the stem will regrow a new head.

I would highly recommend running active carbon on the display for a day or two after you frag them to remove any toxins they might still release.

I have seen people literally hack a toadstool into pieces and have each piece grow back into a new toadstool.

Ive been looking at the toadstool and it kind of looks like its splitting vertically right through the middle! from the head right down the stem....I guess I'll have two soon anyway you think?

Cheers for the info, I currently having issues with white spot again so when this is sorted I may try it fragging one if it does split

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