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  1. K

    Any Fish Keepers In South Of England?

    Heathrow Airport Area
  2. K

    Glass (Ghost) Catfish Are Shrimp Friendly?

    I think fortnight is more than enough time to let them settle, do you have heavely planted tank and what other inhabitants you have? I currently have Dwarf Gourami, 2 Bronze Corys, 2 bristle Nose, 4 mollies, and 5 lemon Tetras, i will put some Amano Shrimps, and some Neon Tetras as well as some...
  3. K

    Glass (Ghost) Catfish Are Shrimp Friendly?

    Did you get your cherry shrimp and are the glass cat fish leaving them alone? I have these shrimps in my hospital tank as i don't want to risk their lives. So untill i get confirmations from some of the experienced people here i think i would keep them in hopsital tank. So please leave some...
  4. K

    Shrimps In Community Tank

    I got 5 Cherry Shrimps and right now they are in the hospital tank which, before i put them in main tank can you suggest that how much aggressive Glass Catfish could be to these species of shrimps? as i heard that Glass Catfish can eat these species. or any other dwarf shrimps.
  5. K

    Glass (Ghost) Catfish Are Shrimp Friendly?

    Dear All, I have three Glass Catfishes, in my 200 ltr heavily planted tank. and today i'm getting fer Red Cherry Shrimps, so can any one suggest will they get along fine? of Glass Cat Fishes will eat them. Thank you Kedar
  6. K

    4X2X2 Stocking

    Only thing i can say is Tetras dont have their tetories, but dont have experience of discus
  7. K

    4X2X2 Stocking

    Irrelevant but what is your tank temperature in general?
  8. K

    Best Filter For Sand-Substrate Tanks

    Go for small canister such as Fluval 105 or Eheim 2213 can do as well, these filter are cheap and will do well in your 10 gallon, only thing to remember is filter should have strainer in sucking pipe as wellas the suction port should be at least 1 inch above the sand line. and you will be fine.
  9. K

    4X2X2 Stocking

    Stocking in a tank is highly dependent on the filtration rate and size of filter, mainly how much bio logical medial you have in your filter. I have two jumbo filter running on my 200ltr Fluval Roma tank (Eheim 2215 and Fluval 404). Both my filter has only biological and mechanical filters i'm...
  10. K

    I Think My Tank Is Cycled :-)

    you didnt mention about you present tank that does it have any fishes in or not? if you had readings of nitrite spike that means your bacterias are established, but you will have to wait until you get nitrite zero. yes it is really good bargain that you have that tank only for £20. very nice.
  11. K

    Shrimps In Community Tank

    Thanks Chris, But i need some more spices and some more info on nitrate levels and also some info on bamboo shrimps. as well as what is the exact safest procedure to add shrimp to existing tank. as if for fishes we turn the lights off and leave them over there etc. thank you again Kedar
  12. K

    I Think My Tank Is Cycled :-)

    How many fishes you have in the tank? A fish less cycle is the best thing to do. as Trollfest suggested, if you do fishless cycle you need to add ammonia, but if you have fishes do not add ammonia, it is very unusual that you test kit shows Nitrate in your tap war as zero. because Nitrate is...
  13. K

    I Think My Tank Is Cycled :-)

    the complete cycled tank should have Ammonia - Zero, Nitrite - Zero, and Nitrate should be below 20ppm (ideal condition), but yes Nitrite in you tank shows 0.25 (????) ( it should read in 'ppm' or 'mg/l' and should be in whole number rather than in decimals. But yes your Ammonia and Nitrite both...
  14. K

    Shrimps In Community Tank

    Fishes in my 200ltr tank 5 Lemon Tetras, 2 Bristlenoses, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 2 Corydoras, 3 Glass cat fishes, and 4 Mollies. Along with lots of plants, even some times i cant see fishes those many plants are there, including floating with CO2 Unit (sugar used, CO2 producer), two big filters Eheim...
  15. K

    Post Subject: Golden Panchax Sits At The Bottom (Help)

    Hello there, a bad news, my panchax died, when i got home with some Epsom Salt, didnt even had a chance to try Epsom Salt. May god bless its soul. thank you for your help.
  16. K

    Post Subject: Golden Panchax Sits At The Bottom (Help) : Myxazin info. What else i can do? should i feed or not? and hospital tank water changes?? i think water changes should take place only at the end of water treatment. please guide me if i can do anything better. or any other medication.
  17. K

    Post Subject: Golden Panchax Sits At The Bottom (Help)

    Ok. Research the fish diet needs. Get you a link to epson salts. Need more of a internal bacteria med like anti internal bacteria med by interpet. Actually i have already started Waterlife Myxazin which is broad spectrum bacteria solution. today was 2nd day of the treatment but no progress...
  18. K

    Post Subject: Golden Panchax Sits At The Bottom (Help)

    1) Bloated 2) No leaning 3) Looks Pale 4) Some times he is trying to swim but can only swim for little bit. then sits back on substrate (now he is in hospital tank without gravel, its bare glass at bottom. with only air pump running 5) listless and lethagic 6) no streaking 7) No darting, havent...
  19. K

    Post Subject: Golden Panchax Sits At The Bottom (Help)

    Dear All, Please help help, from last two days, my golden panchax sits at the bottom of the tank, my tank & water: 200ltr, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20-40ppm Nitrate (API liquid test kit) 1 Lemon Tetra died. two canister filters Fluval 404 and Ehiem 2215, only bio filter used Seachem Matrix and...