Post Subject: Golden Panchax Sits At The Bottom (Help)


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Dear All,

Please help help, from last two days, my golden panchax sits at the bottom of the tank,

my tank & water: 200ltr, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20-40ppm Nitrate (API liquid test kit) 1 Lemon Tetra died. two canister filters Fluval 404 and Ehiem 2215, only bio filter used Seachem Matrix and Fluval Bio Rings with prefilters and mechanical sponges and polishing wools.

Other fishes: 1 Marble Angel, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 2 Bristle Nose, now 5 Lemon Tetra, 3 Glass Cat Fish, 2 Corys, all well fishes, angel and gourami had constipation problem.

any suggestion about my panchax, currently quarantined in hospital tank and i'm using Myxazin for both hospital and main tank, for any bacterial infection problem. its 2nd day i'm using this treatment, no progress found in Panchax. Panchax is not eating as well tried with micro worms yesterday,

Food supplied untill yesterday: flakes, mini palats, and frozen daphnia.
Does the fish look bloated or thin.
Is the fish leaning to onside when resting.
Does the fish look pale or darker in colour.
Does the fish try to get off the substate only to fall back down again.
Is the fish actling listless and lethagic.
Any sores of red streaking on the body of the fish.
Any signs of darting, flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, laboured breathing.
What does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.
Does the fish look bloated or thin.
Is the fish leaning to onside when resting.
Does the fish look pale or darker in colour.
Does the fish try to get off the substate only to fall back down again.
Is the fish actling listless and lethagic.
Any sores of red streaking on the body of the fish.
Any signs of darting, flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, laboured breathing.
What does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.

1) Bloated
2) No leaning
3) Looks Pale
4) Some times he is trying to swim but can only swim for little bit. then sits back on substrate (now he is in hospital tank without gravel, its bare glass at bottom. with only air pump running
5) listless and lethagic
6) no streaking
7) No darting, havent notice any rubbing, laboured breathing i think but not too sure about it. not excess mucus.
8) Havent seen it doing poo.

thinking to use some Epsom salt today, if you can suggest how to use Epsom salt?

Thank you
Does the fish look bloated or thin.
Is the fish leaning to onside when resting.
Does the fish look pale or darker in colour.
Does the fish try to get off the substate only to fall back down again.
Is the fish actling listless and lethagic.
Any sores of red streaking on the body of the fish.
Any signs of darting, flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, laboured breathing.
What does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.

1) Bloated
2) No leaning
3) Looks Pale
4) Some times he is trying to swim but can only swim for little bit. then sits back on substrate (now he is in hospital tank without gravel, its bare glass at bottom. with only air pump running
5) listless and lethagic
6) no streaking
7) No darting, havent notice any rubbing, laboured breathing i think but not too sure about it. not excess mucus.
8) Havent seen it doing poo.

thinking to use some Epsom salt today, if you can suggest how to use Epsom salt?

Thank you
Research the fish diet needs.
Get you a link to epson salts.
Need more of a internal bacteria med like anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Are scales sticking out.
Research the fish diet needs.
Get you a link to epson salts.
Need more of a internal bacteria med like anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Actually i have already started Waterlife Myxazin which is broad spectrum bacteria solution. today was 2nd day of the treatment but no progress. also i tried to serve micro warm and frozen peas (skin less). but not eating anything.

What do you think the problem could be? my LFS Waterlife near Heathrow airport told me that it could be infection so he suggested this Myxazin. but because no progress found i thought i would put a thread here. i've now this panchax on complete fast.
It sounds bacterial to me.
Keep a look out for raising scales and fish going to the toilet.
Make sure his anus is not enlarged or red and inflamed.

Not sure if myxazin more of an external med than internal.
It sounds bacterial to me.
Keep a look out for raising scales and fish going to the toilet.
Make sure his anus is not enlarged or red and inflamed.

Not sure if myxazin more of an external med than internal. : Myxazin info.

What else i can do? should i feed or not? and hospital tank water changes?? i think water changes should take place only at the end of water treatment. please guide me if i can do anything better. or any other medication.
I think I would do a water change and run some black carbon to remove the myxazin from the tank.
Buy anti internal bacterial med by interpet or esha 2000.

Soak his food in garlic juice to stimulate appetite and boost the immune system.

Myxazin by Waterlife. ACTIVE INGRED: formalin
I think I would do a water change and run some black carbon to remove the myxazin from the tank.
Buy anti internal bacterial med by interpet or esha 2000.

Soak his food in garlic juice to stimulate appetite and boost the immune system.

Myxazin by Waterlife. ACTIVE INGRED: formalin

Hello there, a bad news, my panchax died, when i got home with some Epsom Salt, didnt even had a chance to try Epsom Salt. May god bless its soul.

thank you for your help.
Bless Him.

Preform a water change over the next few days on the main tank.

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