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  1. J

    Sailfin Pleco

    thanks for the reply.. do sailfins eat brine shrimp? i've tried live brine but i have zebra fish in the tank with the sailfin and the zebra eats all the live foods the second it is placed in the tank. my sailfin's also really really active, even during the day. is this normal? they're supposed...
  2. J

    Sailfin Pleco

    I have a sailfin pleco (at least i think it is one from pics i've found on the net), he's just over two inches and i'm worried that he's not getting enough to eat. he ate all the algae in the tank in one day and i've been feeding him catfish tablets and algae tablets since. i've read that...
  3. J

    Tank divider

    there's a pleco in the tank but the divider is to seperate zebra fish.
  4. J

    Tank divider

    I need a tank divider for my tank. i would buy one but i don't think it's available in the pet shops near me.. any ideas on what i can use instead?? thanks!
  5. J

    feeding live foods

    i'm wondering, if i feed my fish live foods, like live bloodworms or brine shrimp, can the food bring diseases to the tank??
  6. J

    what fish is this??

  7. J

    cat/kitten and fish

    i'm getting a cat/kitten soon but i have 2 tanks of fish. the lids on them can be very easily lifted so does anyone have any idea how i can cat-proof the tank?? the tank didn't come with any lids... Please help...
  8. J

    food for sailfin pleco

    almost a week. most of the time he's in the cave hanging upside down. he seems to have gotten paler... is that normal?? i'm still putting in algae tablets at night. the tablets seem to be in the same place and not touched in the morning. the prawns you're talking about... do you mean frozen...
  9. J


    thanks for the reply!! the new place is only about 45 minutes away and i live in HK so the temp's not a problem... it's currently about 17 degrees C and i don't use a heater for my tank anyway... but i'm worried about the fish suffocating... and where do i get bags for transporting them? the lfs...
  10. J

    food for sailfin pleco

    my tank used to have alot of algae but he cleared all of it a few days after i put him in.. he doesn't like algae tablets (or 'complete' tablets for bottom feeding fish')and wouldn't touch cucumber... what should i do?? is there a way i can make the algae grow faster than he can eat it??
  11. J

    Killer ~ my bfs Pleco

    wow... your pleco's huge... i have a sailfin pleco... will he grow up to that size too?? i've always thought that huge catfishes are a bit scary...
  12. J


    i'm moving soon but i have no idea how to move my fish!! Help!! :(
  13. J


    around 1.5 and 2 inches...
  14. J


    i think they're still too young to be sexed now... but i put just added a piece of wood (they need the wood right?) and now both of them's on the piece of wood and the old cave seems to have been abandoned... maybe this means the bigger one wont' chase the smaller one anymore... i'll post if...
  15. J


    i have two bnose catfish, one of them's bigger than the other and the bigger one seem to be always bullying the smaller... there is this cave in the tank and the big one is always inside it (the smaller never goes inside), and sometimes the bigger one would chase the small one around. when i...
  16. J

    bristlenose catfish

    you mentioned feeding bristlenoses cucumber, should it be raw or cooked?
  17. J

    bristlenose catfish

    thanks for the info!! :) i put them in my larger community tank today and put one of those algae tablets that you stick to the glass in, but they dont' seem to be eating... all of my zebra fish's crowded around the tablet picking at it, but they just don't seem interested?? will they eat when...
  18. J

    bristlenose catfish

    are they easy to breed? i looked at the 'fish index' for them and it said that they're relatively easy to breed, but when the person at the shop told me they're almost impossible to breed? and do they need wood in the tank?? also, they were labeled bristlenose catfish... but none of them have...
  19. J

    combining tanks

    is it really possible to sell fish back to pet stores? i'm moving and want to combine the two tanks i have now... any ideas on what i can do with the extra fish (they're zebra danios)? i've asked around but no one can take them in... i live in hong kong and very few people have tanks....
  20. J

    extra fish

    i have two tanks now and i'm thinking about cutting it down to one coz i'm moving soon... any ideas about what to do with the fish (they're zebra danios)? i've asked around but no one would take them... is it true that some fish/pet stores might? i live in hong kong.
  21. J

    zebra danio fry

    oh... but he's still swimming around now, just with some difficulty... i guess i'm going to keep the fry... who can i sell them to?
  22. J

    zebra danio fry

    i recently noticed that one of the fry has trouble hovering in the water... he can swim, but he can't hover... he stays on the bottom of the tank most of the time and when he comes to the surface for food, he's constantly sinking back down so he has to swim upwards, grab some food, sink back...
  23. J

    fish bone???

    yes... zebra danios... :(
  24. J

    fish bone???

    i went out all day yesterday and this evening when i looked at my tank... one of my fish was missing and a fish bone was on the bottom of the tank????? i only have zebras in the tank... what should i do??? i really can't stand the thought of my fish eating each other.... will this happen again...
  25. J

    BREAD in the fishtank

    i did a 50% water change and they seem to be okay now... i thought fishes can't eat bread...
  26. J

    BREAD in the fishtank

    my dad fed my zebra fish BREAD... he dumped it in while i was sleeping... the fish all look really bloated and fat now... :-( will they be okay? what should i do? you're not supposed to feed any fish bread coz it contains lots of oil right?? what should i do now???? someone help please....
  27. J

    Dwarf Corydoras (Corydoras hastatus)

    around one inch? that's what most sites say about Corydoras hastatus... i think chinese algae eaters get up to ten?
  28. J

    Danio rerio/ Danio nigrofasciatus??

    oh... thanks... but are they different species then? does this mean they cannot breed?
  29. J

    Dwarf Corydoras (Corydoras hastatus)

    around 6 gal... with 4 zebras in it now... and a sort of 'cave' thing on the bottom... one chinese algae eater, which i have to rehome soon because i recently found out the tank's too small for it... :/ i got it accidentally because the shopkeeper told me to get one of them with teh zebras..
  30. J

    Danio rerio/ Danio nigrofasciatus??

    i have what i think are danio rerio, but i'm not sure... how do i tell which species they belong to?? the local pet shops here sometimes really annoy me because they don't have the scientific name of fishes... only a common name, and in chinese too... :angry: help please?
  31. J

    Dwarf Corydoras (Corydoras hastatus)

    i read that they cannot be kept with some types of fish coz they're small and might get attacked? can i get a few of these to put with my zebra danios?? zebras are peaceful fish... right? and does anyone know where i can get more info on Dwarf Cories? thx... ;)
  32. J


    does anyone know if this model of filter should be completely submerged in the water, or with the top part above water? this is a link to a site with pics... thanks...
  33. J

    Zebra Danios with guppies?

    thanks for all the replies... :D yes, i think i'll add the guppies first and if they don't get along i'll move the guppies or danios. :nod:
  34. J

    Zebra Danios with guppies?

    can zebra danios be kept with guppies?? i am thinking about getting two or three guppies to add to my tank... thanks...
  35. J

    ill zebra danio?

    i noticed that one of my zebra danios had this white lump on its back... sort of under the skin? and it has been staying on the bottom of the tank, but still swimming around... does anyone know if there's something wrong with it? the other fish (5 other zebras) looks fine...
  36. J

    frozen brine shrimp

    do i need to defrost it or something?? it's like... well a frozen cube now... can i just put it into the water?
  37. J

    zebra danios with vertical stripes?

    i went to the petshop today and saw these fish that were supposed to be zebra danios (they were labeled the chinese name for zebra danios), but they are about half the size of the zebras i have and have vertical instead of horizontal stripes on a silvery white background?? they were so cute, but...
  38. J

    can anyone post a pic of a cory cat?

    thanks so much for the site!! i think the ones i saw at the pet shop weren't cory cats at all... but chinese algae eaters... ;)
  39. J

    can anyone post a pic of a cory cat?

    oh... thanks!! :) the ones they have at the petshop's really slim... and sort of goldenish in color?? is that a cory cat?
  40. J

    can anyone post a pic of a cory cat?

    can anyone post a pic of a cory cat?? i just started keeping fish and i want to add a cory cat... but they don't really have labels on fish in shops?? i know it's weird...