fish bone???


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
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i went out all day yesterday and this evening when i looked at my tank... one of my fish was missing and a fish bone was on the bottom of the tank????? i only have zebras in the tank... what should i do??? i really can't stand the thought of my fish eating each other.... will this happen again?? if it does i cannot keep them... how can they eat other fish in the tank??
By zebras, do you mean zebra danios? Danios are not agressive, although they may nip at other fish's fins. I doubt that they would kill each other, but if a fish died, they may pick at the remains. :/
that's long was the fish missing for? was it possible for it to have died and decomposed? though it would take a long time to decmpose down to bones..:/
zebra danios are highly cannabalistic :sick:
they will eat any dead fish but not kill each other to do it.

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