Tank divider


New Member
Apr 16, 2004
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I need a tank divider for my tank. i would buy one but i don't think it's available in the pet shops near me.. any ideas on what i can use instead?? thanks!
go to a glazier with the measurements needed and get them cut. Leaving a space at the bottom so the filter will work throughout the whole system/tank. get water proof/aquarium safe silicon to glue it on, or you'll need to put in harder to make gaps up top to slide them between.
there's a pleco in the tank but the divider is to seperate zebra fish.
I use eggcrate, cut to size with a pair of scissors. You can get it in the lighting section of any diy store. The holes are about 1/4" square, it lets water & food flow through. Just cut it a hair bigger & wedge it in.


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