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  1. S

    Cycling New Fishtank Question

    hey guys, after cleaning the filter in the new tank, i looked at it this morning and it is 100% clear, the water has been cloudy for the past week or so.. so im guessing i really helped the cycle along, if not, instantly cycled it
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    Cycling New Fishtank Question

    thanks for your reply, i rarely change the carbon in my tank, so i would have to assume it would be a good biomedia my filter always has carbon in it, but like i said earlier, i usually just clean the filter pad out a few times, and eventually change it after 2.5-3 months or so, which is...
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    Cycling New Fishtank Question

    also can anyone recommend me a good test kit? the one i have now is telling me i have very very low ammo. moderate nitrites and about 15ppm nitrates i have had it for a while, and i dont think it is very accurate because i am almost positive i should have more ammo in the tank since im not...
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    Fish Books!

    you can look into some of these books: i know a lot of people like the atlas, but it is rather expensive you can always find the fish on liveaquaria and print the page out to show her
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    Cycling New Fishtank Question

    hey guys, if i take the filter pad out of my established aquarium and just stick it in my new tank and clean it in the new tank, will it help with the cycle, or is most of the beneficial bacteria in the filter pad itself? i have two completely different filters, and there is no real way for me...
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    Can You Name Every Type Of Fish Youve Ever Had?

    oh jeeze, lets see clown loaches yoyo loaches kuhli loaches red tail shark bala shark irridescent sharks angle fish multiple kinds of corys serpe tetra bleeding heart tetra neon/cardnial tetra black neon tetra colombian tetra cherry barb bloodfin tetra white clouds oscars bettas goldfish black...
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    Glue In The Aquarium

    superglue will work fine
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    Moving A 50 Gallon Tank

    i moved a 55 gal before.. i took all of the gravel i could out, and i had about 3" of water in the tank (i had to leave the fish in the tank because i had nowhere to put them) but im estimating it was about 250 pounds.. by far one of the heaviest things i have ever tried to lift
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    Clown Loaches.... Aggressive?

    i had two big clown loaches.. one was about 9" but sadly it died a few years ago, and my other is around 6" the 9" one did when it was about 19 years old, and the one i have now is around 21 years old.. im estimating its age around 24 years old since they are a few years when you buy them
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    Bacteria In A Can

    i have heard of that before, and i have heard it works well.. but is rather expensive i cant remember the name of it though.. it had a kind of weird name IIRC edit* i found it, its called bio-spira and it is no different than buying "live sand" that is in a bag, its not a joke or a way to...
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    Water Cloudy

    just regular gravel that was cleaned it got worse over night which seemed very odd, i would think it would get better
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    Clown Loaches.... Aggressive?

    talking to someone directly would be best i would talk to the store manager and mention how his employees are giving wrong advise
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    I Never See My Clowns?

    i wouldnt worry, i rarely see my clown loaches
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    Water Cloudy

    hey guys, i set up a 20 long last night and this morning it is very cloudy, i have done a few 80% water changes on it, but it seriously doesnt want to be clear anyone have any tips or tricks on how i can get the cloudiness to go away? I have some stuff that helps cloudy water, but i would...