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  1. T

    Will My Fish Breed When I Don't Want Them To?

    Well All Fish Breed but you could buy a new tank for the babys because the mam will just eat the eggs of the babys and they wont be any babys and no one wants that do they :blush: My Dally Is Pregnant But Im Really Excited Because I Have Never Seen A Baby Dally Before !!!!] I HAD A SHARK IN...
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    Let's Say Hello !

    :unsure: Youre New And Don't Know What To Do ? :unsure: Just Ask Here And People Will Help You !!!!!!! This Is A Topic To Say Hello And Express Your Feelings And Get To Know The Club :hyper: :good:
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    Is My Platty Pregnant Or Just Greedy?

    if you could get some pics i could tell you but i have just noticed that my dalmation fish is pregnant ! :good: :hyper: i hope you can get some pics so i can tell you :good: Good Help Kind Regards , Tropical Fish Forum
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    Is My Dally Pregnant

    Hello Everyone :hyper: Im Really Happy I Just Want To Say That Would my dalmation fish be pregnant the 2 males kept chasing her every where and we saw them trying to create a baby and i think it worked :hyper: she was quite slim but now since the males have been chasing her and been trying...
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    Congrats For Your New Fish Day ....... It gets very exciting doesnt it when your tank is cycling but you have no fish in and you say to your self there will be fish in there soon ! :hyper: But First you need to make sure its properly cycled , cleaned well , then when you get your fish you need...
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    My Neon Is Struggling

    I Have 9 neons and lots more , my tank is fully cycled , i have got all the chemicals and stuff but its not really my tank its my familys i am 10 and the neon passed away . then 1 loache passed away :sad:
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    Helping For Guppys

    Hello , I Would Just Like To Help People That Are Thinking about getting guppys You Should Have about 4 guppys in a tank ino it sounds a small amount but the thing is guppys breed like WILDFIRE they breed really quick and have loads of babies so you need about 4 or 6 because each one needs a...
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    Boil Youre DriftWood 3 Or 2 Times A Day But Fishes Love BloodWorm Exsepically Forzen BloodWorms !!! :)
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    My Neon Is Struggling

    Ok Soo I Got My New Fishes Today , 9 Neons , 2 Sword Tails , 3 Dallys , 1 Elephant Nose I Got Them For My Aquarium Tank And All My Neons Were Together Except 1 Of Them That Neon Was By Itself At The Top Of The Tank , The Neon That Was At The Top of The Tank By Itself Was Struggling To Swim But...
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    How Much To Feed And How Often?

    You Will Need To Feed It Regulary 2 Times A Day On The Morning And On The Night When You Go To Bed :good: Glad To Help :good:
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    130l Seahorse Setup

    Wow Youre Tank Is Looking Great Soo Far , I Bet It Will Be Better Once You Get All Of Youre Fish & Marine Fish In There !!! :good:
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  13. T

    105 Gallon, How Much Filtraton And Heating Needed ?

    :hyper: Wow Thats A Really big tank you have got there !!!!!!!!!! umm i dont really know but i got a 30 gallon tank today and we got 1 filter in that so i might say 2filters needed Our Heating Was 28-29 Celcious & 79-89 Faranhite so I Would Say Mabye About 100-115 But I Wouldnt Know How Much Ok...