How Much To Feed And How Often?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2009
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Ok at the moment I only have skunk cleaner shrimp and two snails in my tank. The shrimp is great on frozen mysis, do I just feed a tiny amount once each day or two small amounts per day?

make sure you gde-frost it and srain all the fluids off it, frozen foods are riddled with phosphates. Id go every other day. Try see if it will take flake instead.
It will most likely take flake just fine. which will make it a bit easier to feed until you have more livestock :) a very little bit of flake every day will be fine.
Assuming you have no fish, a small serving a few times a week, once a week would suffice as well. Make sure you dont foul up the water, because seeing that you have no fish I'm guessing the tank is relatively new.

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