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  1. Harlequins

    Meet the Very large angel

    Yep sounds the same as this one lol... he's around 2 yrs old ...but since he's been in the 98 gallon tank he and his female have grown . Although she's not has big
  2. Harlequins

    Long finned bn

    Another video
  3. Harlequins

    Long finned bn

    Here's the long finned bn... normally hiding. But since moving the 98 gal tank seem more livelyv
  4. Harlequins

    Meet the Very large angel

    Meet the angel I gave to my dad 18 months ago... he's large lol
  5. Harlequins

    98 gallon tank

    On Saturday last week I had to empty out my 98 gallon tank as my dad was moving... After keeping the fish in 2 large storage boxes with the filters and heaters running. They finally went back in their tank tonight ... Still a little cloudy has 3 bags of new play sand went in ... but at least...
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  7. Harlequins

    Are These Cory Eggs?

      Hope the little un survives :)
  8. Harlequins


    Bought a small tank in march... all running well.... then we decided to get new carpet for lounge.... o dear new tank beckons lol...   Ended up buying a new tank which was second hand but had never been used along with external filter etc etc... Changed from gravel to sand and now completed...
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  10. Harlequins

    Phew Thank Goodness That Is Finally Done

    Looks fab
  11. Harlequins

    Black Cories

    They're cute   I had my blacks in with lots of different cories and they didn't interbreed...
  12. Harlequins

    Is This A Bn...?

    Hiya,   I've had this plec since march... i was told it was a bn... but need confirmation please before buying another one.   Its around 2-3 inches long.   Thanks :)
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  15. Harlequins

    Hybrid Cories?

    Whether or not they are are hybrids... you didnt knowingly cross breed them....   Ive kept many a different types of corys in the same tank and never had any cross breed.... I'm not saying this doesnt happen.....   But congrats on them making this far.... which is an achievement in the cory...
  16. Harlequins

    Place Your Bets

    so cute :)
  17. Harlequins

    Video My Tank

    There's still some cories in the big tank at my dad's.Bronze.albino.peppered.skunks and green laser
  18. Harlequins

    Video My Tank

    Thanks :)  Only got 3 Peppers in this tank, they're more interested in hunting behind the wood
  19. Harlequins

    I Have Fallen In Love....

    I love the cheekiness , they stare out the tank, whilst wiggling their butts,,,, then twitch their fins before doing a lap on the tank and then returning ........... lol
  20. Harlequins

    Video My Tank

  21. Harlequins

    I Have Fallen In Love....

    with Bolivian rams   they're so cute.... almost nearly has cute as cories  lol.   I forgotten how relaxing it is just to chill out watching my tank.... yes and I am sad   lol
  22. Harlequins

    Think My Cherry Barbs Are Breeding....  -  video of cherrys
  23. Harlequins

    Think My Cherry Barbs Are Breeding....

    Just uploading video... they've been very active all day... two groups of 3 (2m & 1f) chasing each other around.... :)
  24. Harlequins

    Think My Cherry Barbs Are Breeding....

    I will try to get them on video if/when  it happens again :)   The females look noticeably plumper ,with very round bellies (carrying eggs??) 
  25. Harlequins

    Fertile Cory Eggs!

    They look fab. Well done
  26. Harlequins

    Place Your Bets

    Yep about 3 years.... Depression hit.... although i'm doing good now....   Well done on the cory breeding.... :)  its very rewarding when it goes right   Theres still some corys left in the big tank ... albinos and bronze and peppered and the harlequins still going strong...
  27. Harlequins

    Place Your Bets

    lol! I have a lot to answer for lol. The said tank is still in the kitchen at my dads, but alas not many cories left...   Still i'm glad some of my ramblings paid off lol .
  28. Harlequins


    welcome :)     Do you have any tank pics ?
  29. Harlequins


    Welcome :)   Eek... spiders... (shudders)!!
  30. Harlequins

    Think My Cherry Barbs Are Breeding....

    We purchased 6 cherry barbs a week ago, I think we have 2 females and 4 males... on doing water change  they became quite frisky and a lot of body twisting and chasing going on...
  31. Harlequins

    New Set Up For Me....

    After a few years away from the fishy scene due to health issues, I am now back into my fishy addiction....   My dad still has my 98 gals  set up and he has been keeping it up together, although fish have passed away over the years including my beloved cories.   Anyhows... I decided I would like...
  32. Harlequins

    Place Your Bets

    This so reminds me of my breeding cory days ....   Good luck with the fry... I came to accept... the fittest survive
  33. Harlequins

    Hello Again....back After Few Years Away...

    Its very trying keeping cory fry alive.... just try your best, don't overfed, keep water and bottom of tank clean... small water changes daily promotes growth.   Mine always done well on brineshrimp powder soaked in a little tank water :)
  34. Harlequins

    Hello Again....back After Few Years Away...

    Hiya all    Well the years have slipped away and a lot of water under the bridge since..   How is everyone?         
  35. Harlequins

    Cory Selection Help

    Sterbai's is the only good choice for discus tanks has they an tolerate the higher temps up to 30 degrees - most other corys will suffer any temp over 24 degrees. Not sure about gobys...
  36. Harlequins

    My Cory Babes Went To Maidenhead Aquatics....

    They just breed with their own kind :)
  37. Harlequins

    Got Me Some Green Lasers

    Quick update - the greens did spawn last week....but they ate the eggs!!! :grr:
  38. Harlequins

    My Cory Babes Went To Maidenhead Aquatics....

    It was very hard letting them go...but needs must :)
  39. Harlequins

    Corydoras Tank Set Up

    I use argos playsand and breed corys in a ph of 7.8-8
  40. Harlequins

    Albino And Gold Laser Corys Interbreeding

    According to planet catfish gold lasers are part of the Corydoras aeneus.just different colour variation