Cory Selection Help


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2011
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I'm looking at buying half a dozen corys for my Discus/community set up. There's a fair bit of bogwood and a few amazon swords in my tank and I'm looking to add some life at sand level.

I want something colourful or striking, but with buying 6, need something that isn't really expensive.

Also, would my 3" Leopard Gourami finish any off? He's helped himself to my stock of cardinal tetras but my blue line goby is intact, maybe just hasn't seen him yet! Would the corys be in danger?

Green lasers, sterbai, venezuelan blacks... what should I go for? Thanks.
Sterbai's is the only good choice for discus tanks has they an tolerate the higher temps up to 30 degrees - most other corys will suffer any temp over 24 degrees.

Not sure about gobys...
My goby has been in temps of 81-83 for over a year now, he seems to really enjoy it :)

Thanks for the help!
I went ahead and got 5 Agazzizis! They had those, Sterbai, Bronze and one beginning with P, but these were the biggest ones so I went for them. They were all apparently okay for Discus tanks.
I went ahead and got 5 Agazzizis! They had those, Sterbai, Bronze and one beginning with P, but these were the biggest ones so I went for them. They were all apparently okay for Discus tanks.


Temperature range max 26 degrees as per he best information website on the species above. How is this "apparently" ok for discus tanks?
As harlequins advised sterbai are your only option but if you prefer slowly suffering fish, maybe even developing diseases due to weakened immune system from living in unsuitable conditions that can even affect your discus, then it's your call.
I went ahead and got 5 Agazzizis! They had those, Sterbai, Bronze and one beginning with P, but these were the biggest ones so I went for them. They were all apparently okay for Discus tanks.

Please, please don't ever take lfs advice in regards to what is actually suitable (most are just out to make a profit)... .Harlequins was correct really, for the most available easy to get cory, sterbai are really the only suitable choice.... there is a few that would have been ok but for most lfs, they wont have stocked them nor would be willing to get them in.

Although the ones you've brought will survive is those temps, there is a difference between surviving and thriving...unfortunately in them sort of temps, they will most likely just survive rather than thrive

Temperature range max 26 degrees as per he best information website on the species above. How is this "apparently" ok for discus tanks?

There is actually a better site for specific cory info but unfortunately it's not free to join.
There is actually a better site for specific cory info but unfortunately it's not free to join.

Thanks. I had no idea. May I ask which one is it in case I want to join?
With the size of the Sterbai they had in stock, there was a good chance that my Leopard Bushfish would have had them as a midnight snack.

I went ahead and got 5 Agazzizis! They had those, Sterbai, Bronze and one beginning with P, but these were the biggest ones so I went for them. They were all apparently okay for Discus tanks.
How is this "apparently" ok for discus tanks?

Cos I said so, punk
With the size of the Sterbai they had in stock, there was a good chance that my Leopard Bushfish would have had them as a midnight snack.

I went ahead and got 5 Agazzizis! They had those, Sterbai, Bronze and one beginning with P, but these were the biggest ones so I went for them. They were all apparently okay for Discus tanks.
How is this "apparently" ok for discus tanks?

Cos I said so, punk

You have a lot to learn kid, starting with the fact you can barely read. Smart people learn form other's people mistakes, rather than their own, but go on, be the next one killing fish and officially anounce it on a public forum. There's laws against that too in the UK but for 19 years of age people with the brains of a 2 year old it does not apply as they won't get the point as you've already proved. And I didn't even have to look at your profile to guess your age(93 in the user name, pathetic..)
By the way, what you say doesn't matter to 99.999999999% of people, especially when it contains nothing meaningful.
Haha! Ooo, you were too easy to bite to sarcasm. *starts to reel in*.

Now look, 'snazy' (cute), yes, I'm 19! Nice to know you can read, but just because I don't take every single piece of advice from the internet doesn't make me a bad fish keeper. It's too early to judge at the moment but they've settled in well, nice and active, eating everything I've given them. I appreciate the advice I got and I felt the Sterbai in stock were too small and would have been quickly eaten by one of my fish.

Now please, continue to be a keyboard warrior.

'Smart people learn FORM other peoples mistakes', haha, I like it. I'm not here to argue with you, but this comment off you was just too much to ignore, hahaha.
Ha, ha. You looked hard to catch on to something. This is a perfect exampe of pedantic attention to detail. I deeply apologize.
Actually, internet can provide a lot of useful advise but one needs to actually care and have the ability to filter information in order to come to the right conclusion. In your case, I am afraid you didn't.
Corys and a lot of fish will tolerate higher temperatures as a temporary enviroment and how long depends on the species.
For the sake of your fish, I hope I am wrong and your fish live happy and long lifes.
You are ignoring one of the basic requirements of fish such as temperature and you are not alone in doing so if that makes you feel better. Unfortunately these things are not uncommon in the fish hobby and most people start getting sense only after killing a great amount of fish.
Says the one that came to the conclusion I was killing my fish.

Like a previous comment says above, they might not thrive in this environment, but they'll survive. When it comes to people like you who try to belittle others with your sarcastic comments, I really have no time for, or give a darn about what you have to say. Not sure if your 2,000+ posts has given you some sense of self importance around here or not, but you're much likely to get your message across if you don't start typing like some arrogant cretin.
*Puts on mod hat*

Ok, enough of the personal insults, please people; keep it polite.

*takes off mod hat*

We should really not get fish that won't thrive in our own particular set ups; just survival is not what we, as good fishkeepers, should be aiming for. Sterbai are the only corydoras, that's readily available, that can cope with discus tank temperatures. If the ones in the shop aren't big enough, then set up another, smaller grow out tank for them, but don't get unsuitable fish just because they're big enough or cheap enough.

Of course, no-one's going to come round your house and take those fish off you, but if you want to be a really good aquarist, then you should be striving to give the fish you keep the right conditions.

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