Just spent the last 4 hours catching out predominately corydoras catfish, some otocinclus, Borneo suckers, Riffle Shrimp and Dwarf Neon Rainbows, Desert Rainbows, Threadfins and some Fly Specked Hardyheads along with a lot of Notopala snails out of my 4ft tank removing all the plants and rescaping along with adding more sand and gravel.
Now I am just waiting for the water to finish clearing before doing a head count of fish, shrimp and snails going back into the tank.
Even though the picture doesn't do it justice I am quite proud of the final look. I know the catfish will have a blast re-arranging all the sand but for now its looking good. In the back right corner there is a small rock wall that is holding back a thick layer of sand gravel mix that has just a couple of rooted plants planted in. The various rocks and timbers have mixes of Java fern, Anubis, Windelov java fern and Bolbitus.
Now I am just waiting for the water to finish clearing before doing a head count of fish, shrimp and snails going back into the tank.
Even though the picture doesn't do it justice I am quite proud of the final look. I know the catfish will have a blast re-arranging all the sand but for now its looking good. In the back right corner there is a small rock wall that is holding back a thick layer of sand gravel mix that has just a couple of rooted plants planted in. The various rocks and timbers have mixes of Java fern, Anubis, Windelov java fern and Bolbitus.