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  1. Jo Liley


    He's a rescue fish from lfs was in tank 1/4 of the size he's in now, seems quite happy he's about 9 cms long, will be selling him on soon. Wilder do you know where I could advertise him for sale, do not want to take him back to lfs because he looked utterly miserable in there.
  2. Jo Liley


    Hi All I was just wondering if a siamese fighting fish would be ok in my community tank with Mollies x3, Platiesx 3, 2 Angel fish,Bristlenose and a clown loach? My Community tank is a 155l fluval Osaka with plants and bogwood. thanks in advance for your replies.
  3. Jo Liley

    Possible Illness?

    lol, I'm lucky I have an external filter so most of the crap ends up over the floor when I miss the bucket, thought my mollies were flicking and rubbing, looked closer and they were ripping the algae off the log.
  4. Jo Liley

    Possible Illness?

    Don't mean to sound patronising or anything but did you use a dechlorinator in your water, if not that could be the problem.
  5. Jo Liley

    Male Green Sailfin Mollie Harassing Female

    I've read old posts on male green sailfin mollies, and have read that he should really have a harem!!1 but everywhere I look they only sell sailfins as pairs, even online they only sell them as pairs, Could I buy just ordinary molllies so my Mrs G Sailfin gets a minutes peace, she's currently...
  6. Jo Liley

    Will Sailfin Mollies Breed With Platies

    Sorry quite difficult to get pics as they are hiding in the plants and are too quick to get pics. Fry are just over a week old and doing very well. tried uploading pics on to here previously put files have always been too big
  7. Jo Liley

    Zebra Loaches

    Hi Thinking of getting a Zebra Loach, I've read that they need to be kept in groups of three or more or they can be agressive to other fish In my tank I currently have a bristlenose catfish (5cms long so far) 3 female platies, a pair of green sailfin mollies, a few platy fry. Your advice...
  8. Jo Liley

    I When To P@h The Other Day

    My Local Pets at home in Scarborough is very good tank always very clean, although I agree with truck whats the problem with a bit of algae, quite alot of fish eat algae!!! Although I do agree that it is more like a pet supermarket, and who'd pay £129.00 for a house rabbit all rabbits can be...
  9. Jo Liley

    Will Sailfin Mollies Breed With Platies

    Thank god for that, as my 3 platy females have all had babies, already taken 15 4 week old fry back to pet shop, still got about 20 in the tank :blush:
  10. Jo Liley

    Will Sailfin Mollies Breed With Platies

    Hi I was just wondering will a Sailfin Mollie breed with Platies? I purchased a pair of Green Sailfin Mollies, absolutely gorgeous fish, (Which are currently in my Quarantine tank) I am going to put them in my community tank with 3 female platies, will the male breed with the platies also...
  11. Jo Liley

    Water Change

    Thank you for your replies I was too :blush: to ask my local fish supplier although he has been in the same shop for 25 years, so he's probably been asked this numerous times Once again thank you :-)
  12. Jo Liley

    Water Change

    is anybody gonna reply?
  13. Jo Liley

    Help Please Baby Names

    Hi Good Luck I hope things go well. I have a boy, he'll be 2 in October, time does fly. When I was expecting him I came up with some wonderful names Cyrus Seth Zeke Taylor Rufus Ciaran Saul Moses When he was born I looked at him and thought he looked nothing like any of those names and me...
  14. Jo Liley

    Water Change

    Previously had coldwater fish, and how one goldfish survived 5 years is beyond me, looking at how I used to clean out the tank, I used to net my fish and put them in an old mop bucket which I kept for the fish, clean the whole tank with domestos including driftwood, gravel and filter sponge...
  15. Jo Liley

    Which Livebearer Is Your Favourite?

    Green sailfin mollies they are fantastic
  16. Jo Liley

    Help 30+ Platy Fry :-)

    no don't have a box, have a spare tank but that's currently cycling have a biorb with a male fighter in it, fry seem quite happy hiding in plants and under driftwood
  17. Jo Liley

    Help 30+ Platy Fry :-)

    Bought 3 platy females from Pets at Home 2 Weeks ago and now I've got 30+ platy fry in a planted tank with their mums and a bristlenose. Fry seem to be getting quite big only problem is what to do with them all? Any ideas? :unsure:
  18. Jo Liley

    Platy Sick A Week After Giving Birth

    she was eating yesterday, she looks thiner than she has done for the last couple of days do realise that platys can take a week to give birth to all of their young, she's currently hiding under a piece of raised driftwood No the other fish seem fine, being typical platys eating like pigs
  19. Jo Liley

    Platy Sick A Week After Giving Birth

    according to the label on the bottle it also treat internal and external bacterial infections, is this not true
  20. Jo Liley

    Pets At Home!

    My local Pets At Home is selling common plecs :shout: Why do I feel like Pets at Home is more like a pet supermarket than a pet shop that cares???? I know that they ask you what tank you are putting them in, but wouldn't they be better off selling bristlenoses, I noticed there must have been...
  21. Jo Liley

    Which Pleco?

    I would go for a bristlenose plec, they grow to about 15 cms long, they can also live for about 15 years!!!! They have really good personalities, Mine is black with white spots although he can change his colour, sometimes he looks like he has black and white patches. Bristlenose like all plecs...
  22. Jo Liley

    Platy Sick A Week After Giving Birth

    My platy gave birth a week ago, today she is not well and looks a little on the thin side, she is poohing a sort of white stringy substance and is off her food, I can't get to the pet shop to get any primafix until tomorrow as I thing she may have developed a bacterial infection. Is there...