Will Sailfin Mollies Breed With Platies

Jo Liley

New Member
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
Hi I was just wondering will a Sailfin Mollie breed with Platies?

I purchased a pair of Green Sailfin Mollies, absolutely gorgeous fish, (Which are currently in my Quarantine tank) I am going to put them in my community tank with 3 female platies, will the male breed with the platies also? :blush:

Not only that Mrs Sailfin gave birth to some fry yesterday but I didn't realise she was pregnant so a few got eaten, but I have plenty of plants and driftwood in the tank so maybe some will survive?!!!!
No they can't,

mollys and guppys can cross
Platys and Swords can cross
No they can't,

mollys and guppys can cross
Platys and Swords can cross

Thank god for that, as my 3 platy females have all had babies, already taken 15 4 week old fry back to pet shop, still got about 20 in the tank :blush:
I don't think they can cross.
I've never seen Sailfin mollies. Post some pics of the babies!
my sailfin dropped yesterday got about 12 fry left in tank at the mo. This morning one of my black lyretails was breeding with my white sailfin. That should be interesting!!
I don't think they can cross.
I've never seen Sailfin mollies. Post some pics of the babies!
Sorry quite difficult to get pics as they are hiding in the plants and are too quick to get pics.

Fry are just over a week old and doing very well.

tried uploading pics on to here previously put files have always been too big

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