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  1. M

    Dwarf Gourami Has Popped Out Eye

    I lost my 6 year old green Severum to a condition like this a month ago. You can try to treat him...check-out this link for treatment suggestions.
  2. M

    Never Comes Out!

    I don't think there's anything you can do. It's hard to know how stressed fish are when we buy them. I find that sometimes, despite your best efforts and intentions, some fish just don't do well. It's hard to know why...most likely this particular fish is weaker and hasn't handled the stress of...
  3. M

    75 Gal Stocking

    I would agree with markandhisfish. I had 2 Oscars in a 75g...they outgrew it in just over a year.
  4. M

    Looking For A Non-schooling Colorful Fish

    The gourami suggestion is good. A pair of Opaline gouramis would lood great. How about Angels? You had mentioned barbs, but not specifically Tiger barbs. Not all barbs fin nip. A pair of large Angels would look great with a shoal of Danios, Tetras or Barbs. You could also put in a pair or a...
  5. M

    If You Had My Water.....

    You've got the perfect water parameters for livebearing fish and Rainbows. Barbs tend to like slightly acidic water, as do tetras and labyrinth fish. If I were you, I'd go in that direction. If your tank is well cycled and you keep up with regular weekly water changes, you shouldn't have any...
  6. M

    29 Gallon Stocking

    Is this a "tall" aquarium...tall as opposed to wide?
  7. M

    My New Fish Tank

    If I were you, I'd do a species tank...maybe 8 Cardinals and a Bushy-nose pleco. Bushy's don't produce the waste that most plecos do and they don't grow very big. A species tank like this with a classic Amazon set-up is as nice a tank as you can get! Just be sure it is well cycled, as Cardinals...
  8. M

    My New Fish Tank

    The fact that you want piranhas leads me to believe that you're interested in more aggressive fish. How about considering some African cichlids? Still quite aggressive and much more colourful! You'd have room for these in a 40g tank.
  9. M

    Stocking Predicament

    I'm assuming you mean Danio kerris when you refer to Blue Emperors. These are usually peaceful fish. Perhaps having a greater number would minimize the problem...similar to the problems encountered when keeping small numers of Tiger barbs. Also, how large is your tank. I wonder if maybe having...
  10. M

    29 Gallon Stocking Question

    I'd also be very careful with the Tiger barbs...dangerous with the Angel. Try Pentazona barbs, they look very similar to Tigers, but don't have the same fin-nipping reputation. As far as the shark goes, all rainbow and red tail sharks are quite aggressive. Esp in a smaller tank. I'd avoid them...
  11. M

    29 Gal Stocking Question

    I think you should skip the RTBS too. It won't take long for one to out-grow that tank. A pair of Rams or Kribs would look great with the tiger barbs. You could go with the Cory cats in this case, or maybe a Bushy-nose pleco...great bottom feeder and will keep you glass clean as well. Again be...
  12. M

    29 Gal Stocking

    Nice fish in your tank already...are your keyholes a mated pair? If they are, i'd be careful about adding the rams...all cichlids need territory, especially if mating...even less aggressive ones like Keyholes and Rams. How about some shoaling fish? A school of Pentazona barbs or Brilliant...
  13. M

    29 Gal. Stocking...ideas ?

    If you go with Tiger barbs, keep a good number...8 or so. IMO, these barbs will grow too big for this tank. You could try Pentazona barbs. They are similar to Tigers, but no quite as nippy or as large. I'd look at Brilliant rasboras...a beautiful fish! They are very friendly, active and have the...
  14. M

    Stocking question for 55 gallon planted tank...

    One of my favorite fish are Brilliant rasboras...very colourful, but what really attracts me to them is their schooling action. They almost always stay in a very tight school and move about the tank in a beautiful way (mid to upper levels)! The other bonus to them is that they grow larger than...
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    I'm Looking For Compatible Schooling Fish!

    The LFS in my area has them on a semi-regular basis. Why do you think they are so hard to come by?
  16. M

    I'm Looking For Compatible Schooling Fish!

    Yes, the pleco is a Gibbiceps. It is now about 2.5 years old and getting a little big for the 40 gallon he is in. Soon he'll be going to a new home. Thanks for your Pentazona barb suggestion. I haddn't thought of them. I really like the look and shoaling action of Tiger barbs, so they may be a...
  17. M

    Tiger Barb Aggression

    I am thinking about a shoal of Tiger Barbs for a 40 gallon tank that has two juvenile Firemouths. Any opinion about the level of aggression toward the FM's? The other fish I'm considering are Barred Danios, but I'm concerned they'll be too small once the FM's mature. I'd appeciate any...
  18. M

    I'm Looking For Compatible Schooling Fish!

    I have a 40 gallon aquarium with two juvenile firemouth cichlids, that I'm hoping will pair-up, and a 4" hi-fin lepard pleco. I would really like to add a group of schooling fish, but I'm not sure what! I have considered 10-12 tiger barbs, but am concerned about their aggression/fin-nipping...