29 Gallon Stocking Question


New Member
Nov 30, 2007
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im not a newbie to fish keeping at the moment i have a 20 gallon long goldfish tank thats been set up for about 2 years now, before that i've kept tropical fish and failed miserably but im decideing to go back and this time i've done my homework :good:. Currently i have a 29 gallon tank and im gonna be useing an AquaClear 50 for filtration, and i've purchased a Coralife 65 watt compact strip light cause i plan to set up a heavily planted tank. But anyways lets get down to the question...

are these fish compatible and will they meet the requirements of my tank?:

1 Angel Fish
1 Albino Rainbow Shark
1 German Blue Ram
2 Khuli Loaches
6 Tiger Barbs
and maybe a school of Zebra Danios.
any one? i feel at home here almost a half an hour and no response. :p
first off welcome to TFF!

the stocking i would leave out the rainbow shark, as far as i know they can get agressive in a small tank like a 29 gallon, (correct me if im wrong) and the tiger barbs are are known as really bad fin nippers and they could rip up your angels fins they like to be in larger groups, if you dont put in the rainbow shark you could do 8 - 9 tiger barbs they will be much happier and will not munch on the fins of the angel or other fish.

hope this helps
thanks caboose_122, the reason why i chose an albino rainbow shark is cause i heard its less agressive and more passive then just an ordinary rainbow shark (any one wanna comment on that?). And i read about tiger barbs being fin nippers also so i'll take your advice on that. Im thinking about getting a school of 6 Giant Danios does any one know if they're as active as zebra danios ?
They are as active as zebra danios, and they get to about 4 inches. I would stick with normal zebra danios. I would also avoid the albino rainbow shark. I am not sure if they are less aggressive than normal ones, but I know they are still aggressive and I don't think you should take the risk. Also khulie loaches like to be in bigger groups, about 6 at least. So do tiger barbs, to help spread the aggression and keep them from picking on other fish as much.

If it were my tank I would do either:
8 tiger barbs
6 kuhlie loaches
1 german blue ram


1 angel fish
8 zebra danios
6 kuhli loaches

Also don't forget about CO2 or else you'll have a ton of algae ;)
i chose an albino rainbow shark is cause i heard its less agressive and more passive then just an ordinary rainbow shark (any one wanna comment on that?).
I have had a rtbs and i still have an albino rainbow shark and my rainbow doesnt do anyhting aggressive ir show signs of aggrssion. It just swims about and hides under the rocks and wood. Ive heard that sharks are not aggressive if there are plenty on hiding places for them to refuge in.

Thanks neont3tra its so hard to chose what i want in my tank especially when the tank is only 29 gallons i wonder how people with 20 gallons or less feel :S.

Ive heard that sharks are not aggressive if there are plenty on hiding places for them to refuge in.

i've had experience with rainbow sharks i had one in my 20 gallon long tank before i converted it for my goldfish, the rainbow shark would chase any fish that came by his cave (besides the cave and gravel the tank was pretty much bare) so that sounds about true and this time my tank is gonna be heavily planted. might i add one day when it came to feeding time i couldn't find the shark i was puzzled cause its not like it just grew feet and walked outta the tank ( :blink: ) so i looked behind the stand and there he was stiff as a board and dryed out :crazy: , lesson learned they're jumpers lol.
I would advise against the tiger barbs just as they are quite limiting in terms of what else you can stock with them, golden barbs are active little fish and similar to tigers but no where near as aggresive. I also have heard that Kuhlis spend a lot of their time hiding and are largely nocturnal so you don't see them often. They are also very boring looking IMO. I would suggest going for:

5 gold barbs as a centre piece school
1 Marbled Angel Fish (If your tank is 18" high. If not then the Angel is a no I'm afraid as it will get too tall for your tank)
5 Cories
5 tetras. One of the larger 2" species

I'd also be very careful with the Tiger barbs...dangerous with the Angel. Try Pentazona barbs, they look very similar to Tigers, but don't have the same fin-nipping reputation.
As far as the shark goes, all rainbow and red tail sharks are quite aggressive. Esp in a smaller tank. I'd avoid them completely.
Zebras are nice and very hardy! You could also try Brilliant rasboras...very colourful and have great schooling behavior...better than zebras!
Be sure to stock your tank very slowly. Your patience will be rewarded!

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