Search results

  1. F

    Opaline Gourami-should I Get Male Or Female

    Thanks. I guess he is on his own for now. I'm going to the pet store tomorrow to get a bigger tank for him and make his solitary little home as pleasant as possible. If anyone has any suggestions of what kinds of fish would do well with an opaline, please let me know! Thanks.
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    Bettas And Cherry Barbs?

    Hmmmm...yeah...6 cherry barbs plus a betta would be a bit much for a 6-8 gallon tank. Thanks for the input! I absolutely love my bettas and would like to get him in a larger tank with a suitable tank mate or two. He's currently by himself in a 2 gallon tank. I will check out the Rasboras...
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    Betta Food

    I feed mine flakes in the morning, and bloodworms (their fave!) in the evening. I sometimes give pellets instead of flakes but they are only so-so on it. The bloodworms are what they live for!
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    Yellow Bettas

    How uncommon are male HM yellow bettas? Just wondering. How about purple?
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    Opaline Gourami-should I Get Male Or Female

    I currently have a single Opaline Gourami. I believe he is male because of the way he acts territorial. I had him housed for a short time with a Golden Gourmi but the Opaline kept harrassing the poor thing so I had to separate them. I would very much like to get another Opaline to give him a...
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    Bettas And Cherry Barbs?

    I'm planning to get a larger tank 6-8 gallons (yeah I know, that seems so tiny compared to what many of you guys have!). Anyhow, I am wondering, Would it be alright to keep 1 male betta in the tank with few Cherry Barbs? Would they get along okay?
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    Moving With Fish?

    Okay, here's the deal. There's a good chance I'll be moving to another state within the next year or two. We'd be traveling by car (it's about an 8 hour ride). My question is: What is the best way to transport fish for such a move? I'm thinking I would probably have to drain the aquariums...
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    Orange Bettas

    Well, I poked around on Aquabid and I found a gorgeous orange HM male betta, 3 months old, from a seller in the U.S. It's a bit of a splurge but the shipping is reasonable enough. The only petstore we have around here that I know of which sells fish is Petco, and everytime I've looked, I've...
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    Orange Bettas

    wow, modaz...totally gorgeous! But how do I know what the shipping will be? I'm an ebay buyer and seller, but Aquabid is pretty new to me.
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    Orange Bettas

    Yes, I've heard of Aquabid. I'll have to check that out again. Thanks.
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    Cloudy Water In Tank-can't Get It To Clear

    Ok, ok, don't beat up on me. I KNOW they need a bigger tank. And yes, they are small...maybe an inch or so. They didn't come from a breeder but from a pet store. What horrifies me are these tiny little tanks the pet stores sell advertising them as Betta homes. How sad. That all being said...
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    Orange Bettas

    Yes, I'm located in the U.S., in Massachusetts. I guess I'll have to do some research and see if I can find any places in the area that specialize in fish, Bettas in particular.
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    Cloudy Water In Tank-can't Get It To Clear

    I have a 2.5 gallon tank that houses 3 little female bettas. I did a partial water change last weekend (about 50%) and since then, the water has been looking cloudy. I've used a fizzy tab prior to adding the new water to make it safe for the fish. I've tried using those drops that are...
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    Orange Bettas

    Does anyone know where I might procure an Orange Betta fish? We don't have many places where I live that sell fish, only Petco. I would absolutely love to get an orange one but it seems whenever I find someone with one for sale, the shipping cost is exorbitant.
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    Hi Everyone! New To The Hobby

    Hi everyone. I'm from Massachusetts. About 1.5 years ago I bought a red male betta fish whom I named Moses. I kept him in a 1 gallon fish bowl. It looked very classy but the maintenance got to be a pain. Moses died about a year ago (I buried him in the garden. I didn't have the heart to...
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    Male Or Female Bettas?

    I think they are all females. I have three females in a tank together and I definitely see a resemblance between mine and the pics you posted. I have a blue one, a red one and a pink one, and I think that a lot of people don't realize that that they can be just as colorful as the males. I've...
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    What Fish Are Compatible With Bettas?

    I have a Honey Gourami housed with my female bettas and they do great together. I also had to teporarily house my Opaline Gourami with my male betta and they did fine together as well. If anything, my male seemed to perk up and enjoy the company.
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    Looking For 2.5 To 6 Gallon Aquariums And Orange Betta

    Hi All, I'm new here. I have 3 female betta fish, one male betta fish, and 2 gouramis. I'm discovering that fish keeping is a great hobby, and once the tank it set up and established, they are very easy to care for. I'm limited in space so I really can't get an aquarium bigger than 6...