Opaline Gourami-should I Get Male Or Female


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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I currently have a single Opaline Gourami. I believe he is male because of the way he acts territorial. I had him housed for a short time with a Golden Gourmi but the Opaline kept harrassing the poor thing so I had to separate them. I would very much like to get another Opaline to give him a buddy, but I'm not sure if he would do best with a male or a female. Or maybe it doesn't even matter. Any suggestions? Thanks.
opalines ae extremely aggressive, i had 2 but had to take 1 back, if he is a male add about 3-4 females- as long as your tank is big enough
Hi fishnewbie77 :)

If you have an aggressive male, he will not turn into a gentleman when you introduce a female. Chances are good that he will bully her unmercifully. He will be fine by himself.
Hi fishnewbie77 :)

If you have an aggressive male, he will not turn into a gentleman when you introduce a female. Chances are good that he will bully her unmercifully. He will be fine by himself.

Thanks. I guess he is on his own for now. I'm going to the pet store tomorrow to get a bigger tank for him and make his solitary little home as pleasant as possible. If anyone has any suggestions of what kinds of fish would do well with an opaline, please let me know! Thanks.

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