Bettas And Cherry Barbs?


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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I'm planning to get a larger tank 6-8 gallons (yeah I know, that seems so tiny compared to what many of you guys have!). Anyhow, I am wondering, Would it be alright to keep 1 male betta in the tank with few Cherry Barbs? Would they get along okay?

I believe Cherry barbs are one of the "friendly" barbs however, the issues in a 6-8 gallon are -

a) With a two inch betta it doesn't leave a lot of stocking options, and as Cherry barbs are a shoaling fish you would need at least 5 or 6 minumum.

b) In a smaller environment the betta may not welcome tankmates, as he may consider that the whole tank is his territory.

Have you considered other fish like Harlequin or Copper harlequin Rasboras? The copper ones are smaller and IMO more attractive.

What ever you decide to do, put the other fish in first and the betta last, But i personally wouldn't add anything in with a male betta in a 6 gallon.
Hmmmm...yeah...6 cherry barbs plus a betta would be a bit much for a 6-8 gallon tank. Thanks for the input! I absolutely love my bettas and would like to get him in a larger tank with a suitable tank mate or two. He's currently by himself in a 2 gallon tank. I will check out the Rasboras. Thanks!
I'm planning to get a larger tank 6-8 gallons (yeah I know, that seems so tiny compared to what many of you guys have!). Anyhow, I am wondering, Would it be alright to keep 1 male betta in the tank with few Cherry Barbs? Would they get along okay?
My brother has done that before. along with 3 Diamond Tetras and 2 Albino catfish and they got along fine
pygmy corys are tiny and in groups but small enough to put a few with a betta.

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