Betta Food


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester UK
hey all!

Just wondering what kinds of food do bettas like?

as flower will eat flakes and if you hold an algae wafer at the top of the tank she'll happily pick at that for a while and take some catfish pellets

whereas sparks will take freeze dried bloodworms and nibble at the catfish pellets

but is there anything that they will both like to eat that is better for them?

Thanks =]
hey all!

Just wondering what kinds of food do bettas like?

as flower will eat flakes and if you hold an algae wafer at the top of the tank she'll happily pick at that for a while and take some catfish pellets

whereas sparks will take freeze dried bloodworms and nibble at the catfish pellets

but is there anything that they will both like to eat that is better for them?

Thanks =]

Hikari betta pellets or atisons betta pellets , freash blood worm or brineshrimp once a week for a treat and half a shelled boiled pea each once every two weeks to aid digestion :good:
bettas aint the biggest fans of flakes, even though they will eat them. Mosquito larva is something bettas love. Bloodworms are fine too. Only downside with mosquito larva is it's pretty hard to get a hold of :(
bettas aint the biggest fans of flakes, even though they will eat them. Mosquito larva is something bettas love. Bloodworms are fine too. Only downside with mosquito larva is it's pretty hard to get a hold of :(

And also you cant feed it every day its a treat otherwise your betta could become constipated and develop further complications but above is correct Bettas generally dont enjoy flaked food
Thanks guys =]

Flower will pretty much eat anything i give her, it's Sparks that is the fussy little thing!
I use attisions and really like it. be warned though some bettas will eat any and everything that gets in their tank. my girls cant tell the difference between a bit of string or a worm. bettas have eaten things like string or a rubber band and died. my girls will also eat the communitys fishs flake food and eat the corys shrimp pellets thus are fat fat little porkers.
I feed mine flakes in the morning, and bloodworms (their fave!) in the evening. I sometimes give pellets instead of flakes but they are only so-so on it. The bloodworms are what they live for!
I feed mine flakes in the morning, and bloodworms (their fave!) in the evening. I sometimes give pellets instead of flakes but they are only so-so on it. The bloodworms are what they live for!

So you give them bloodworm everyday fewnewbie?
Another recommendation for Hikari pellets. Mine love em! Much, much less messy than flake food too.
Tetra Min tropical Granules
Algea wafers
Hikari Cichlid food for some reason?

were do you get atisons food? is it only in the UK?

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