Search results

  1. E

    Bn Plec Offspring Size

    I get around 100 to 150, from a 2 yr old pair. Only ever lost 1 or 2
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    Fish Identity

    Thanks Bazza Think that has made my mind up. Last thing I want is stress in the camp
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    Fish Identity

    I have been asked if I'd like these fish by a friend of a friend. Can someone tell me what they are please. Thanks
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    Help Needed - Dead Bristlenose

    Ok Ill test the water when I get home. What I don't understand about testing water etc, is how would you know its not the dead fish making the test results bad ????
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    Help Needed - Dead Bristlenose

    One of my adult bristlenose has suddenly appeared half eaten and rotten It really badly stank. Ive had it for about 18 months Its that bad I cant work out whether its my super red or L144. I don't understand what could have happened. All my other fish were gasping for air this morning and I...
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    Trouble With Fluval 305

    Thanks Dan Maybe it is the intake strainer as you say, often when i do a clean bit of leaves are attached to the outside of the strainer so maybe its jamming in the little ball creating airlock or something. i'll strip it down again and try and keep the strainer clear all the time. Hopefully...
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    Trouble With Fluval 305

    Hi All I have had my 305 for a few months now and the flow is great for about 2 weeks and then I suddenly notice its not working at all. I then have to prime it for ages to get it going again. Does this happen to anyone else or any idea why this would be happening?
  8. E

    External Filter Help ?

    305 or 405 will be just right :)
  9. E

    Bristlenose Babies

    Sent you a pm with my details thanks
  10. E

    Bristlenose Babies

    Livestock:Bristlenose Babies Age and condition: approx 1 - 2" Quantity for sale: 30+ Reason for Sale: Delivery or Collection: Collection Sales price: £1 each Postage & Packaging: N/A Location:Chatham, Kent Photograph: The babies are brown in colour some more yellowish than others, I have...
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    Bristlenose Babies

    Livestock:Bristlenose Babies Age and condition: approx 1 - 2" Quantity for sale: 30+ Reason for Sale: Delivery or Collection: Collection Sales price: £1 each Postage & Packaging: N/A Location:Chatham, Kent Photograph: The babies are brown in colour some more yellowish than others, I have...
  12. E

    Unwelcome Guests (Snails)

    How about a couple of Assassin Snails in there?
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    Assassin Snails And Bn Plecs

    Thanks Ethan :good:
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    Assassin Snails And Bn Plecs

    Hi Probably a silly question but thought id better double check. Will Assassin Snails be ok with tiny baby bristlenose.
  15. E

    Assassin Snails

    Hi Id like 2 please to be posted to Kent if possible. Maybe best if I send you a pm in the new year?
  16. E

    Fx5 - What Heater Do You Use?

    Hi My boyfriend has just bought an Fluval FX5 Filter and afterwards realised the external heater he has wont fit the 1 inch pipes of the new FX5. What heater does everyone use with their FX5, external heaters are so good will be a shame to go back to an internal one. Thanks
  17. E

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    I have a jewel vision 180 and took it out for a fluval 305, best thing ive ever done. So id highly recommend 305 or above.
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    Spirulina Flake

    Oh right ok, Might try feeding it to them occasionally then. They seem to love it thats all, much more than normal tropical flake
  19. E

    Wanted Bristlenose Plecs

    Sorry dont really like to post them :sad: Are they for your waiting room in the dentist? (sorry bet youve heard that loads)
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    Spirulina Flake

    Is it not a good idea to feed this to normal tropical fish (mollies, platy, tetras etc)?
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    Wanted Bristlenose Plecs

    I've got loads but might be a bit far. Im in Medway, Kent
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    Wanted Bristlenose Plecs

    Where in essex are you?
  23. E

    Wanted L114 Pleco

    Weird I didnt think L144 looked like that.. is that crossed with something. My L144 is completely solid yellow
  24. E

    Bn Plec Questions

    I expect it is a female if it hasn't got any bristles. You cant be 100% sure until it is a bit bigger though. As for the pale line. My female bn changes colour quite alot, I wouldn't be too worried if i were you
  25. E

    Cycling A New Filter

    Thanks everyone thats a great help. I never thought about putting the sponges in the baskets. That would be much better to do that. Im planning to take out the internal filter soon as possible so wasnt planning on running them both but I can do if its better. Also i have a basket of small...
  26. E

    Cycling A New Filter

    Hi Im going to swap my jewel internal filter with a Fluval 305 and i wondered what the best way to go about it was. I was thinking of cutting the jewel sponges to fit and swapping the new sponges in the fluval with them. Also I read somewhere that its ok to fill one of the baskets with my...
  27. E

    Yellow Water

    If you had boiled the bogwood (long as it would fit in a saucepan) before putting it in the tank, it wouldnt have gone yellow.
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    Which External Filter - Fluval 404?

    Thanks all for your help Unfortunately the 305 has gone now but now I know I can look out for either 404/405 or 305. Cheers :good:
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    Which External Filter - Fluval 404?

    Thanks for your help. I've just found a Fluval 305 brand new for sale locally, would this be ok in my 3ft 180 litre tank anyone? Before I say yes. Thanks Ellie
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    Why Does My Lfs Do This?

    Aquacadabra, Barnhurst Rd.
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    Which External Filter - Fluval 404?

    Wouldnt the fx5 been too much for my 180litre tank though. Ive heard before, there is so such thing as over filtering your tank, just wondered if this was true?
  32. E

    Why Does My Lfs Do This?

    Theres a fish shop in bexleyheath that is horrific for this, every single fish is crammed in. There was a large oscar in a tank that was about an inch bigger than the oscar so it couldn't even turn around. :sad: The company sells alot on ebay and is quite well know for being cheap etc, i just...
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    Which External Filter - Fluval 404?

    Im just running the standard internal jewel filter.
  34. E

    Which External Filter - Fluval 404?

    Hi I have a jewel vision 180 and would really like to improve the filteration on it, there's nothing wrong with my internal filter but feel it could do with faster filtration. Would a Fluval 404, 405 be too much of an over kill in a 180 L tank? Is there anything that would suit better? Thanks...
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    What To Do While On Hoilday

    Hi at the end of August im off on holiday for 2 weeks. Only ever gone away for a week so this has never been a problem before. Basically, I cant leave my tank for 2 weeks without syphoning the substrate because it gets really mining. I normally do a water change of 25 % a week. My mum is going...
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    Info On African Dwarf Frogs

    Oh right thanks, what do you feed yours on?
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    I Lost My Best Friend

    :( thats really sad sorry for your loss
  38. E

    Info On African Dwarf Frogs

    Hi All I've been after a couple of African Dwarf Frogs for quite sometime but I cant find them anywhere, so firstly does anyone know of any in the South East? Im in Kent but willing to travel within a certain distance. I have 2 tanks, One 180L Jewel Vision and a 60L Elite tank 2 ft tank...
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    Mollies And Coral Sand

    Will Mollies be ok with coral sand substrate?