Fish Identity


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I have been asked if I'd like these fish by a friend of a friend. Can someone tell me what they are please.



Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri (Chinese or Indian sucking loach)

I would say that the 1st one is an albino version of the latter.
I've never been fond of these as they are a "pain in the #16#####" in the community tank, never ever peaceful & rarely eat the algae that most people buy them for. :crazy:

They will stress you out if you put them in with small community fish, being very territorial, very close in appearace & behaviour to the Foot spa fish - Garra rufa which they could easilty be mistaken for. :sad:
Thanks Bazza

Think that has made my mind up. Last thing I want is stress in the camp
They're very nice fish in the correct setup... I had mine in with some American Cichlids and he was very aggressive and was definately one hard son of a gun! Moved him to my Tanganyikan tank and he no longer gets his own way. :lol:
They're very nice fish in the correct setup... I had mine in with some American Cichlids and he was very aggressive and was definately one hard son of a gun! Moved him to my Tanganyikan tank and he no longer gets his own way. :lol:

:good: at last someone who likes them, its a shame people hate them so much, as i say kept in correct conditions they are great, same with sooo many fish..

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