Help Needed - Dead Bristlenose


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2009
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One of my adult bristlenose has suddenly appeared half eaten and rotten It really badly stank. Ive had it for about 18 months

Its that bad I cant work out whether its my super red or L144.

I don't understand what could have happened. All my other fish were gasping for air this morning and I had a dead molly and a buenos aires now I know why

Ive taken a bucket of water out and replaced it, only did a big water change last night so I cant really do another one. Not sure what else I can do?
Ok Ill test the water when I get home.

What I don't understand about testing water etc, is how would you know its not the dead fish making the test results bad ????
One fish can only produce so much waste once dead, they do not always start decomposing immediately and are often eaten by other fish too (which delays ammonia release by some time). All the other fields in the form will help determine if one was enough or not, for example.

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