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    Kribensis Behaviour Issue

    Is there any way to stop this behaviour? Sam.
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    Kribensis Behaviour Issue

    I have a young pair (about 1.75'') of kribs in my 25g tank with a group of 3 odessa barbs, the female seems to be fine but the male seems to be lethargic and slow but every know and again the female will chase him and he will swim around fine until she leaves him alone and then he is back to is...
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    Diy Live Rock, But For Freshwater

    Concrete continues to get stronger for decades after initial curing :) And i would also agree that the lime given off may not be ideal for aquariums. Sam.
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    Hello! First Fish Tank :d

    That is rather bright :D Do you have a test kit? If not i would reccomend doing 50% daily water changes untill you do Sam.
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    Adding A New Filter

    Thanks andy, I have been a member here for longer than you, I am more of a lurker, just needed conformation. Thanks again, Sam.
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    New Tank For Cockatoo Cichlid Fry

    Thats good news, but as you know you have a breeding pair they should spawn again hopefully, and you should be more ready for it this time :) Sam.
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    Adding A New Filter

    Right whats the best way to do this, I want to replace my baby ehien with the APS 1000 Do I swap the media over? Do I keep both running side by side for a few months? Sam.
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    Quarantine Tank

    I would also treat for whitespot and IP in this time also, just to sure :) Sam.
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    Quarantine Tank

    I have a realy weak dilution of pure bleach in water and soak the sponges in it overnight Then rinse realy Well in fresh water Sam.
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    Do You Need To Cycle Your Tank?

    And the ones we dont want to grow, thrive on light :) Sam. Ps. they mostly live in the dark filter anyway :)
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    Quarantine Tank

    The sponge will work as a home for the bacteria, no need for bio rings on smaller filters Thanks peeps :) Sam.
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    Have You Been Bitten By Your Fish?

    My SAP likes to nip my finger when im holding prawn/cockle/mussel I suppose they look a bit like prawns lol Sam.
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    Fish Deaths How Do You Cope?

    Dont realy get upset with the odd death, sometimes it happens. But when I lost my enter established comunity due to a heater failure I was pretty upset and I had to get my dad to get the dead fish out. Sam.
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    Tesco Play Sand 10Kg

    No, it creates a high pH water, it buffers it :) Sam.
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    Do You Need To Cycle Your Tank?

    I would fishless cycle. but I would do it with a bare tank, no gravel or decorations/plants And leave the lights off ;) Sam.
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    Quarantine Tank

    I run a small internal in my main tank and use that in the QT when i have news fish Then disinfect the media and put it back into the maint tank to re-cycle I do this to get rid of any spores/bad bacteria that could have taken up home there. Sam.
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    Various Items( Please See List)

    Theres no problem, I needed the kits either way. Lily is a lovely lady and I have no problem paying. Sam.
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    Wanted: Large External Filter

    Sorry, its for a 125l tank and i would like about 1000lph Sam.
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    Wanted: Large External Filter

    What have you got? Sam.
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    Fluval Fx5 Into A Fluval Roma 125 Cabinat

    ok, il check it out, is it worth looking for a used filter instead? Sam.
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    Fluval Fx5 Into A Fluval Roma 125 Cabinat

    Id prefer to get rid of the filter, and run one due tothe simple fact that im anal about tidyness Il look for the ehiem, is that price second hand? Sam.
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    Fluval Fx5 Into A Fluval Roma 125 Cabinat

    10x turnover was recommended on a puffer forum.... Is this correct? Sam.
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    Fluval Fx5 Into A Fluval Roma 125 Cabinat

    Ok, does anyone have any Externals that are half decent and can do around 1000 or mor lph? Sam.
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    Various Items( Please See List)

    Hello, il take the pH kit if thats ok with you? I can collect pretty much any time :) Regards, Sam.
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    Fluval Fx5 Into A Fluval Roma 125 Cabinat

    Ok il look for a 2317, my fish are very messy so a big filter was a must and fx5's are reasoanbly cheap and i could always turn the flow down. My SAP's are good swimmers so a decent filter flow souldnt be a problem. Sam.
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    Fluval Fx5 Into A Fluval Roma 125 Cabinat

    Well ATM I have a Ehiem 2213 which is a little too small. Anyone else got any ideas? Sam
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    Fluval Fx5 Into A Fluval Roma 125 Cabinat

    Will it phisically fit? If not, whats a big filter i can get in there? I need it to filter my South American Puffers Sam.
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    Are yousure you want a bolivian ram and an oscar in the same tank the big guy may see the little one as food ;) Sam.
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    Fitration For A 10 Gal Planted?

    Deffinatly in my tank i have found that a powerhead almost oposing the filter output helps, but thats a contradiction. But it does work so I cant complain :) Sam.
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    Fitration For A 10 Gal Planted?

    Good circulation is more important than outright flow rate in my experiance ;) Spray bars used correctly can be alot more efficent than straight filter outputs. Sam.
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    Extra Media In Fluval Fx5

    I prefer filter wool to polishing pads, but you do have to change it quite often Sam.
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    Breeding Kribensis

    Sad to hear, hope you arnt put off breeding :)
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    P. Demasoni Tank Mates

    Would yellow labs be ok in my size tank?
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    P. Demasoni Tank Mates

    Would a single specemin with some other smaller mbuna which arnt imilar looking to the demonsoni be ok? Would a Yellow Lab be ok with them? or are they too big? Sam.
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    Juwel 260 Vision

    Would you accept £30 posted?
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    Juwel 260 Vision

    Would you consider posting the filter?
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    P. Demasoni Tank Mates

    Could anyone recomend some suitable tankmates for a P. Demasoni in a 35gallon tank? The decore will be cichlid friendly and the water parameters will be bufferd to provide suitable pH levels. Sam.
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    Plant Fertalizer

    Tbh i wouldnt want to risk it :(
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    25 Plants For £5 Or Somthing?

    Half were not aquatic, and some were in such a bad condition i didnt want to put them in my tank
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    I'm New To Plants

    Your asking for algae issues with a 10hour photo period, try 6-7