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  1. R

    Nutrafin Cycle

    I have always used Bactinettes to cycle my tank ( I will probably be hung for saying that ) just under a week, my readings were good, I am very sceptical about Nutrafin products full stop
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    Sand And Bubbles?

    I feel foolish for replying, but I did have eratic Ph when I had bubbles and sand..I have since changed to gravel and all is well.....I have no explaination for the change, nor do I wish to prove or disprove anything....All I can tell you is what happened to me
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    Krib Eggs?

    Hi, I have Kribs and all of what you have described is familiar..Kribs have to learn to be good parents, and I lost my first few fry to either other tankmates or the parents.....It may take a few attempts before the Kiribs nurture their young....I syphoned the free swimming into a seperate tank...
  4. R

    Male Convict Lloks Like He Has Swallowed A Golf Ball

    The body of my male convict has swollen up in the middle. It looks like he has swallowed a golf ball. the scales are protruding out and he sinks really fast if he stops swimming. please help
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    Starting A Tropical Fish Tank

    what size tank are you thinking of buying? there are a few factors that differ between large and small tanks
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    Synodontis Marks On Underbelly

    Many thanks for the advice on the pics...I did resize them , but won't do so in future. My test kit is an API test kit and is 3 months old I have done a small water change as you suggested, and will do the same again tomorrow....I do believe you are correct about the burn, and it getting...
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    Nocturnal Fish

    I recently had a synodontis die on me. I did spot the symptoms but far too late to do anything about them. I find it really frustrating monitoring fish that hide during the day, or are purely nocturnal by nature...How can we help the buggers if they hide all the time lol
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    Synodontis Marks On Underbelly

    well whatever it was got the better of him..He died...I was frantically asking a few friends of mine for a better camera so I could put up better shots of the fish, but the damn fish wouldn't come out of his hiding place. Just wanna say thanks for the advice, but I find treating and diagnosing...
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    Synodontis Marks On Underbelly

    not that I have observed. He does skittle along the bottom of the tank alot though, so I was wondering if it was skin erosion
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    Synodontis Marks On Underbelly

    2 emergencies in a week..Sorry to be a pain I have just noticed this on my synodontis pH: 8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 16 tank temp 27 degrees Thanks in advance Robbie
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    Red Sevrum Has Developed A Cough

    yes, I can actually hear it...The spits of water are visibile from its mouth. I have checked all visible areas that I can see, and there seems to be no obstructions...I have my phone camera at the ready to video this happening. He swims around no problem, and is feeding great. I have had him...
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    Red Sevrum Has Developed A Cough

    My red sevrum has developed a cough...serious, he is actually coughing..Is this normal (i doubt it), should I be worried? or will it go on its own? pH: 7 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 17 tank temp Thanks in advance Robbie
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    Geo Brasil

    sorry guys been away for a bit. I will nip to the shops today to buy batteries for my camera and put a pic up for you. The lump does look like a fatty lump as colin predicted
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    Geo Brasil

    Been to a mates hosue the has a pair of geo brasils..One has like a big lump on his forehead...Is this normal? Rob
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    Just thought I would say hello..My name is Robbie. I've been keeping fish for a good while now and thought I would join the forum