Since the other topic was mainly for sexing thought would be wise to make a new one for this. So I believe my two have got busy and the female is now protecting the cave and possibly eggs. She basically stays in the cave all the time comes out sometimes to chase a fish away or grab some food that is close but does not go far from the cave at all. The male will sometimes sit outside it otherwise he moves about the tank. Is it possible she is guarding eggs? I tried the flashlight thing but the problem is where the cave is located I can't see the top of the inside of the cave or the right hand side of it so from what I saw though on the gravel and the left hand wall and as far up as I could see I don't think I saw eggs. There were some brown spots but they didn't look like eggs so guess I will have to wait and see if she indeed is guarding eggs. How long does it take for them to bring the youngins out?