Starting A Tropical Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2009
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Hi, im thinking of starting a tropical fish tank what do i need?


Anything else? i have never done a tropical fish tank before so not sure exactly what i need, thanks
what size tank are you thinking of buying? there are a few factors that differ between large and small tanks
its a 25 litre tank.

dimensions - 55CM - 44CM - 28CM
ok of the top of my head, you will need the following, heater, filter, lights ideally, stress coat, something to de-cloranise the water, fish net, food, gravel or sand for the bottom of tank but this is down to prefeance some people prefer bare bottom tanks. Plus any ornaments you may want. Ah yes one last thing WATER :good:
ok of the top of my head, you will need the following, heater, filter, lights ideally, stress coat, something to de-cloranise the water, fish net, food, gravel or sand for the bottom of tank but this is down to prefeance some people prefer bare bottom tanks. Plus any ornaments you may want. Ah yes one last thing WATER :good:

Got a filter, will get a heater, what is a stress coat!? sorry for asking i know nothing! i have gravel so i wont need sand right? so how many tropical fish will i be able to put into my 25 litre tank when its ready?
before you get fish you need to do a fishless cycle theres a thread on this
and the fish depends on what species you like
before you get fish you need to do a fishless cycle theres a thread on this
and the fish depends on what species you like

yh thats why i said when the fish tank is ready...ill prob get some cherry shrimp, corries and betta. how many roughly would i be able to have of those.
before you get fish you need to do a fishless cycle theres a thread on this
and the fish depends on what species you like
no if you have gravel you will not need sand as this is all down to choice. Stress coat is something you add to the tank usually after you have added new additions which replace the slime coating on the fish to help them, i think it is something along these lines anyway someone will come along soon to give you the proper definition but it is something i used. You do need to do a fishless cycle ideally and usually takes about 4 weeks i think. There is also a article on here saying you can add fish to do the cycle (not something i agree with as not fair on the fish in my opinion) however if you did go down this root i would say 4 fish on a tank your size to do the cycle.
You say your tank is 25 litres i dont know how many fish you will be able to have in a tank that size but is wont be to many. Hope this info helps. Remember to always de-cloranize your water. I actually think these days you can get something that both is stress coat and de-cloranises the water and i know i have peobably spelt de-cloranise wrong
1 male betta no other bettas
cherry shrimp 10 cherry shrimp as they breed like hell
and corys are to active for a 25l /5gal imo
you may get away with pygmy cories

and you may need a light if so i have a small light if youd like one im asking for 10 pounds including postage its upto you
1 male betta no other bettas
cherry shrimp 10 cherry shrimp as they breed like hell
and corys are to active for a 25l /5gal imo
you may get away with pygmy cories

and you may need a light if so i have a small light if youd like one im asking for 10 pounds including postage its upto you

have lights in my tank already, what other fish can i have in my tank instead of cories and also why a male betta? any particular reason, thanks
i believe but could be wrong that females need to be in groups and i dont think a 25 litre could support a group and you may be able to have some pygmy cories aswell
as the male betta (plus males have bigger fins so look nicer imo)
and the shrimp
i believe but could be wrong that females need to be in groups and i dont think a 25 litre could support a group and you may be able to have some pygmy cories aswell
as the male betta (plus males have bigger fins so look nicer imo)
and the shrimp

right, so im limited really, are there liek any other fish i could have... in my local pet shop i see all these tropical fish and they are tiny like 1cm in length, they are like neon in colour.
they are neon tetras and need to be kept in groups so your tank wont be able to support a group of them unfortunately :(

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