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  1. C

    Moving my tank, algae and bottom feeders

    That's great advice, thank you! I have a few leafy plants for them to snooze on so they should be happy there! I look forward to getting them in a few weeks... :D
  2. C

    Moving my tank, algae and bottom feeders

    Thank you! :) I have read that Ottoniculous (is that spelt right?!) are quite delicate and as I have had a few fish die on me I am concerned about that. What do I need to know before introducing them?
  3. C

    Moving my tank, algae and bottom feeders

    :) Thanks very much! Can you recommend a bottom feeder or algae eating fish to keep the tank clean? :thumbs:
  4. C

    Moving my tank, algae and bottom feeders

    Hi, I have a couple of questions! Q1. I'm moving this weekend so how do I go about moving the tank without getting rid of the water, which has lots of nice bacteria for my fish? Also how long will the bacteria last without a filter? (I am just moving 10 minutes away in the car so I can plug it...
  5. C

    Unidentifiable disease

    Thanks very much for your advice - I will do that. If anyone else knows what this might be please could they let me know. When I wrote a while ago about the white Molly with the same problem, another person said the same had happened to one of their fish and they were never able to identify it...
  6. C

    Unidentifiable disease

    Hi, I have a molly that looks like it has a small lump just before its tail (underneath). A while back another one developed the same and died about two weeks later. I have read the pinned article on diseases and think it could possibly be the cyst, but its not that big. Can anyone tell me...
  7. C

    Strange fish behaviour

    I have read the posted information on diseases but none of them seem similar to the strange look my fish had before it died. The only way I can describe it is that it looked like the tail end of the fish was a bit stiffer than normal. It was a molly that died. I had it a couple of months and in...
  8. C

    Shy Platy

    Hiya, I have three very friendly mollies and bought a single platy the other day (at the same time as the third molly). The molly settled in quickly and is very active, but the platy hides at the bottom a lot. It does come up to feed and doesn't seem unwell, just not very confident! Would it...
  9. C

    Healthy tank

    :nod: Thanks very much, I didn't know you could get red platies. I've seen some platies that are orange, black and white. I'll have to go on a search round the LFS's in my area to find a red one...!
  10. C

    Healthy tank

    I've got a biorb (7UK gallons) that was cycled without fish and has had two mollies happily living in it for about 2 weeks now. One's black and one's white and I'd like a nice colourful fish to go with them! Can you get red swordtails? (and I mean proper red, not orangey red!!!) Otherwise can...
  11. C

    Water change

    Hello, I'm writing on behalf of my mum who has just lost a female betta :byebye: Her tank (7UK gallon) was well established with guppies for about 8 months. She gave the guppies to a friend and got 6 glowlights, and two small clown loaches, followed by a female siamese fighter (betta?) a few...
  12. C

    Just got my fish

    Great! Thanks for all your help. I will go out and buy a niTRATE test kit this weekend. Also, I have one more question! My Mollies are tearing one of my plants apart, I think they are eating it. I'm wondering if they're hungry or just being destructive! I fed them a tiny amount of bloodworm...
  13. C

    Just got my fish

    PS. How do you add a comment from someone else's post? As you can see from my last post, I don't know! :blink: Thanks!
  14. C

    Just got my fish

    I am confused!! :huh: I cycled without fish, I tested for nitrIte and ammonia after cycling - both 0. So now I have added fish, I need to start testing for nitrAtes?? Do I need to test for nitrItes and ammonia too? Or only if nitrAtes start going up? And how much water do I need to change...
  15. C

    Just got my fish

    Hello, Since my first unfortunate experience when my fish died, I have read up on everything from this site and have just got two mollies (a black and a white one!) My nitrites and ammonia were both 0 before I put them in yesterday. How often do I need to test from now on and when should I do...
  16. C

    Water test kits

    Thanks for your help - what brand are the master kits, and where can I find them? Cheers :fish:
  17. C

    Water test kits

    Hiya, I have been doing lots of research on the internet on water test kits, and I noticed that Sang72 had a similar question about test strips. What do I really need to test, should I use strips, tablets or liquid? I have taken my fish back to the LFS as they weren't happy and want to cycle...
  18. C

    cardinal neons

    Hi Sewfishy! Oh dear! If only I had found out about this site before choosing the Bi-orb! It was from my parents who wouldn't mind me changing it, but I'm not sure its something you can return as it comes with all the bits, such as filter, light, gravel in bags etc which have all now been used...
  19. C

    cardinal neons

    I can't really get a bigger tank now as I only got this one at the beginning of March for my birthday! It sounds like I should resort to taking the bigger (but very loved) fish back to the shop, waiting until my tank has 'cycled', then starting again with some smaller, hardier fish. Any...
  20. C

    cardinal neons

    Another quick question - I am going to need something to test the water. I've read about the various 5 in 1 type strips that test ph value, general and carbonate hardness, nitrite and nitrate. Are these any good? I have seen the individual test kits and it looks quite expensive to buy them all...
  21. C

    cardinal neons

    Hiya, Firstly, thanks to all for your help. This forum is the best thing I've found to help with a new tank. Although it will make me very sad :sad: I'm going to take my fish back to the shop tomorrow and start cycling my tank with no fish until i'm 100% sure it can cope. I've printed off...
  22. C

    cardinal neons

    Hi, I bought a biorb and set it up, leaving the filter to run for over two weeks before I bought 3 silver tip's (barb's I think!). They were fine and swimming around happily for over a week. On tuesday, I added 2 clown loaches, a red-tailed black 'shark' and 10 cardinal tetras. All the fish...