Just got my fish


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
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Since my first unfortunate experience when my fish died, I have read up on everything from this site and have just got two mollies (a black and a white one!)

My nitrites and ammonia were both 0 before I put them in yesterday. How often do I need to test from now on and when should I do my first water change? And how often should I feed them?

Thanks very much in advance for any advice! :nod:
First a couple of questions. Has this tank been cycled already? Are you cycling with fish? If the answer to the first question is yes, then you should have nitrates in your tank already and you should test daily for a while to ensure the ammonia and nitrite levels remain constant and you should only need to do regular weekly water changes unless the nitrates start to get around 40 then do an additional water change of about 25%.
If the anser to the second question is yes, then start testing daily for ammonia and nitrites and nitrates. Do a water change 15-25% if the ammonia gets over 1ppm. The tank will be cycled when the ammonia and nitrate readings are 0 for a couple of days and the nitrate reading is positive. Once this point is reached do regular weekly water changes and keep monitoring the nitrate level as above.
Be aware that if you are cycling with fish you will face mini cycles as you add new fish so watch all 3 levels when you introduce new fish. To avoid a major spike add only a few fish every few weeks. This will allow the tank to stabilize and keep the stress level in the fish to a minimum during these mini cycles.

Good Luck and keep asking questions. :)
I am confused!! :huh:

I cycled without fish, I tested for nitrIte and ammonia after cycling - both 0. So now I have added fish, I need to start testing for nitrAtes?? Do I need to test for nitrItes and ammonia too? Or only if nitrAtes start going up?


And how much water do I need to change on a weekly basis if I have cycled without fish? 15%?

I'm not getting anymore fish for at least a month - then when I do, I've seen a gorgeous swordtail to go with my mollies! :D
PS. How do you add a comment from someone else's post? As you can see from my last post, I don't know! :blink:

PS. How do you add a comment from someone else's post?
to do this just select the text in the reply that you want to quote then add reply and click the quote button a dialog will come up and just paste the text into the dialog text box and click the button.

If you cycled without fish and yur ammonia and niTRITES are at 0 then you must have some level of niTRATES in your tank. Monitor this level and if it gets around 40 then do a water change. Usually weekly water changes will keep the niTRATES in check anyway. The water changes i do are usually 20% every week regardless how i cycled the tank.

Yes, still test for ammonia and niTRITES as the tank has been cycled with a specific amount of ammonia. This will support a bioload of a specific size. once your fish produce more ammonia than the existing bacteria can handle you will start to see ammonia and niTRITES again(the mini cycle you hear about). So it is important to still test for ammonia and niTRITE levels.

Have fun with the new fish :D
Did you add ammonia to your tank to cycle your tank because I see a lot of people think that cycling is just adding water and letting the tank sit there for a week.
i cycle with fish. fishless cycling is with ammonia. u add it to your water. make sure your amonnia and nitries is at 0 before adding fish or it wont be pretty.or just add a FEW fish like 2 or 3 most and small to start and there waste will create ammonia and nitrites but it shouldnt get to high so your fish should be ok. just take it slow and fish few at a time and slowly. i got a 20 gallon and i add 5 neon at a time. if u take the time and do it right then u should be ok.
to do this just select the text in the reply that you want to quote then add reply and click the quote button a dialog will come up and just paste the text into the dialog text box and click the button.


Thanks for all your help. I will go out and buy a niTRATE test kit this weekend.

Also, I have one more question! My Mollies are tearing one of my plants apart, I think they are eating it. I'm wondering if they're hungry or just being destructive! I fed them a tiny amount of bloodworm yesterday and two tiny floating pellets.

How often should I be feeding them? I know that if you put too much food in, ammonia and nitrites will go up, but I also want to stop them eating the plant (it now has two strands that have no leafy bits atall!!)

Otherwise, they look great and seem very happy and active :)
buy a master kit so can test all levels cost ya around 25.00 bucks.

also i would buy this stuff called prime it get rid of the amonia ,nitrite, nitrate, all that bad stuff for you next water change. when you fill the bucket, just put like a capfull ot two in the water and then add the water to you tank.
this should help

i test my water on my 20gallon every week
on my 3 1/2 i test every two or three days
but my tanks are salt water. i won't hurt to over test it. :flex:

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