Moving my tank, algae and bottom feeders


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
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I have a couple of questions!

Q1. I'm moving this weekend so how do I go about moving the tank without getting rid of the water, which has lots of nice bacteria for my fish? Also how long will the bacteria last without a filter? (I am just moving 10 minutes away in the car so I can plug it all back in pretty quickly)

Q2. I have a lot of algae at the bottom of the tank and around the inside and wondered what kind of fish I can get to eat it. I have a 7 (UK) Gallon Biorb so it has to be something small-ish that wont grow too big. Also, will they mind the gravel type stones you have to have in the Biorb (I'm sure they'd prefer sand but I can't use that in there as the filter wouldn't work...)

Thanks for any help you can offer!
The bacteria isn't in the water, it's on the solid surfaces - decor, glass, and most importantly filter media and gravel. So as long as you keep the gravel and filter media damp and oxygenated I think they'd be ok for a ten minute drive as long as you set it up as soon as you get there. :)

I'm not surte if there's any benefit to keeping the old water, it's possible that the fish would prefer "aged" water and it'd be the same pH etc etc but I don't really know. If you want to be on the safe side and keep at least some of the water it shouldn't be too hard cos it's only 7 gallons. :)
:) Thanks very much!

Can you recommend a bottom feeder or algae eating fish to keep the tank clean? :thumbs:
Thank you! :)

I have read that Ottoniculous (is that spelt right?!) are quite delicate and as I have had a few fish die on me I am concerned about that. What do I need to know before introducing them?
First find a reputable LFS then whenthey first get them in the store wait for about 3-4 weeks (ask if you can put one on hold till then, tell them you have had a tough time acclimating them to your tank and want to be sure that they will stay healthy after shipping.) and then pick one that is still very active. When you get them home take your time acclimating them to your tank water. Let them float of course for temp. then add some of your tank water to the bag and wait some more then do this 2-3 times before netting them into the tank. They like to have a plant or two around as they often rest on the leaves. HTH :)
That's great advice, thank you! I have a few leafy plants for them to snooze on so they should be happy there! I look forward to getting them in a few weeks...


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