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  1. L

    Please Help Identify This Fish

    I reckon your right. Or it could be an acara,my eyes bit heavy. cant see pic properly
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    Can Anyone Help?

    could be a ready for breeding sign
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    Omg! Fins Eaten!

    melafix is good stuff iv treated some sick looking injuries on my large an small fish it will work. about a month and you would of seen the change
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    Bolivian Blue Ram Bully

    you could try sectioning him off in a floater in the same tank each time you see it happen. sounds mad but its worked
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    Have You Ever Seen Your Fish Sleep?

    im sorry i just have to say..i take the micky out of them sometimes and pretend they are like the waltens or is it little house on the prery(i no i spelt that wrong) but you know .......Night john boy an so
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    Clown Loaches

    they dont do to well with treatment i think if mine have ever had it iv turned up the heat. i think thats right anyway
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    New Puppy

    i had ten german shep pups running the house once..that was funny and fun.
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    Wat Does It Mean When

    thats the thing that i didnt get..i know mine are greedy so sometimes i think they eat a bit much a bit quick and shock the tiny stomachs a bit like winding someone mine have never suffered disease or bloat or anything that i know off..i only feed them twice a day but i think that it is dying...
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    Wat Does It Mean When

    sounds a bit simple but could be age im not sure how long they live but iv got eight tiger barbs left iv had them so long it seems but now and again one will swim nose down then upside down sometimes they recover if i place them upright by the bubbles and sometimes they are not so lucky.
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    iv had cichlids for a while iv learnt alot. but not expert. well my sajicas paired up and they went through the thing of digging holes and not letting any one close they did this for ages but now they seem to have devorced in a way but one is still digging and has been for the last three weeks...
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    Wat Does It Mean When it swimming up or down at all
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    Sorting Out Long?

    Its going to sound absoloutly stupid but when we figure out who a bully is we put it in a floater like everytime its naughty just like a child weve done it twice now once with a firemouth and then with a tellin yah they learn..and dominance will take a fiew days just watch with a...
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    Have You Ever Seen Your Fish Sleep?

    i got really worried once in the morning i switched the cichlids lights on and thought..oh hell i killed em all..well silly me they were sleeping every single one
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    Wat Does It Mean When

    can you see any visible defects
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    Zebra Danio Sick?

    how old is the danio,if you know ooops sorry i just saw that fish has passed on..sorry to hear that. i have extremly bad eyes at the mo because of pollen so i cant read very well.
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    Silver Shark Issues

    well we have had them a long time and they are near on twelve inches now but two are playing up like never befor and they swim side buy side as if super glued but iv researched and its well know that they do not or cant spawn in regular setups its all done by professionals in a lab. but these...
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    Silver Shark Issues

    anyone here want to help solve my shark thing
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    Can Anyone Answer My Silver Shark Question

    i have some thing mad happening with my silver sharks. had them yonks nearly twelve inches long two are practically stuck together?????
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    Sajica Cichlids

    It looked rough around the edges from the day we brought it but i asumed it was bulling from the other fish and there were 5 firemouths all swimming together so i got them all i just thought we could give it a chance and it was fine for so long i was really happy and the fish seemed happy. such...
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    Sajica Cichlids

    god your a godsend sod books, iv got other cichlids hideing out in there acting the same but il do just what you say. im so interested i sit there sometimes watching them late and i dont realize iv been staring for a couple of hours, i cant be the only one that dose it..i was sment to ask you...
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    All My Fish Are Dead And I Don't Know What From!

    so just how big is your house :lol: coz im gettin the same from the local fish shop :lol:
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    Sajica Cichlids

    hes fantastic i hope ours grow to look the same if not i still luv em. if they have the fry do you think some babys would survive if i just took a hanful of them out or do you think the parents would feel threatend and eat them or leave them. i know you said try not to move the parents dose that...
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    All My Fish Are Dead And I Don't Know What From!

    WOW!!! what a heated conversation it seems as tho we need a ring and some hefty gloves. i know its frustrating when some one messes up big time i mean i truely know as a friend of ours keeps complaining that all her fish keep dying and she even had the gaul to take the dead ones in the shop and...
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    Best Food For Angels?

    Ok thankyou for that foley69
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    Best Food For Angels?

    Hi foley69 is the food you sugest good for all cichlids
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    Cichlid Experts Advice Needed Please :)

    you could ask colin-t..probably find him in members..he is expert on cichlids
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    Sajica Cichlids

    iv read your profile and i know that you know better than me but how will they prevent them from being eaten by the other larger cichlids they are ok witheach other but we saw a fly come through back door and land on the glass,the fish went mental it was funny but wow i realise how breeding is...
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    Best Food For Angels?

    type in NEW LIFE SPECTRUM CICHLID FORMULA into your search bar and you should get a post one but im dumb to putting pics on
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    Sajica Cichlids

    il do my best to get a pic just got to watch for them now
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    Sajica Cichlids

    wow thats alot. il have to keep an eye on them. thing is i cant see what the surfaces where they are hiding so i dont know if they have already. can i remove them to another setup on their own or will that ruin the whole of their plans
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    All My Fish Are Dead And I Don't Know What From!

    i could be wrong but raised fins sounds like dropsy. sorry you lost so many
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    Best Food For Angels?

    mine really like spectrum and its small
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    Sajica Cichlids

    yeah iv been watching for the eggs iv heard they lay them underside slate smooth areas or leaves but iv got a pair acting up and occupying a space in a setup stocked with others and i was told that theres no way they will be able to protect their young..i cant move them i can only watch..but its...
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    Sajica Cichlids

    has anyone ever breed sajica cichlids befor
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    Did I Kill All My Bacteria?

    really sorry . may i pls but in and ask you a very quick question...sorry
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    Angel Swimming In Circles

    well my fish that are swimming in circle are pooping fine and no pale colour.. its really frustrating and for them i found one of my angels dying a month or so ago it was upright at the bottom. its mate went off with another angel and it got so depressed i tryed to help but it died..i was upset...
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    Help Pls

    the tank has always been these settings since set up 3 years ago apart from when it reached its peak. the tank is 12 inch at the end and 14 inch height. sorry but im dumb on gallons we also have a 5ft long over 2ft deep cleair cichlids tank and iv no idea of the gallons in that. thanks for...
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    Help Pls

    tank size: 4ft FILTRATION:FLUVAL 200 P H: 6.5 AMMONIA: 0.0 NITRITE: 0.0 NITRATE: 0 TEMP: 25 WATER CHANGES:25 TO 30% EVERY SATURDAY. TANK MATES: 7NEON TETRAS,8GUPPYS, 2 SWORDTAILS 6 PLAYTS 5 MOLLYS SYMPTOMS.. the two mollys that are displaying problems have not changed in colouration both are...
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    Is This Combination Of Fish Okay?

    very clean and clean looking setup very clean and cleair setup....if mesage apears twice its because i spelt wrong and tryed to correct
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    Help Pls

    i have alot of tanks cichlids and others setups but im having a prob in my smaller comunity tank iv mollys swimming in swirls..